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Show 1870.] MR. R. SWINHOE ON CHINESE ZOOLOGY. 441 Length about 4*5 inches; beak in front *35, from rictus *52, depth at base *13, breadth at base *15; tarse *83 ; middle toe *55, its claw *18; hind toe *35, its claw *22 ; wing 2*35, fourth and fifth quills equal, sixth a trifle shorter, first 1*1 shorter, second *35, third *6 ; tail 2*1, of twelve feathers, the penultimate *5 shorter than the eight centrals, which are equal, outer rectrix in the specimen not full-grown. I have also an Emberiza that Mr. Fleming brought from Tientsin, which I registered before as E. stracheyi, Moore, but wrongly. I have since procured a specimen from the country near Amoy, shot in December 1867. which has rather a larger bill; and I have a bird from Pere David, taken at Peking on the 12th May 1867, with a shorter and rather smaller bill. They are all three males. The Tientsin and Peking birds are in summer plumage, and have the whole head and throat black, with a broad line of white down the centre of the crown, a broad white eyebrow, and a broad white moustache ; on the under neck, below the black throat, a large white spot occurs ; and again below this comes the rufous pectoral band. The Amoy bird was shot in winter, but still shows much black on the throat. I suggest for the species the name EMBERIZA TRISTRAMI, sp. nov. Crown black, dividing at the occiput, and running in a broad line down each side of nape ; at the division on the occiput a large white spot occurs; and a little olive tips the central crown-feathers, suggesting a central streak, in immature plumage. Eyebrow and long moustache-streak white, with a splash of yellowish olive, which marks also the lores. Lores, under the eye, and ear-coverts brownish olive, a black line running from the hind corner of the eve round the ear-coverts. Throat yellowish brown, more or less marked with black. Upper parts light yellowish brown, with an olive tinge ; the black nape-lines change into deep rust-colour and continue to the centre of the back ; scapulars and lower back with broad centres to feathers black, flanked with rust-colour. Rump and upper tail-coverts bright rust-colour; the two central rectrices brownish ferruginous ; the fifth and fourth brown, rust-coloured on the outer web with light yellowish-brown edging ; the third of somewhat lighter brown, with a small white spot on the inner web near the tip, which is also white ; the second, with half the inner web white, running from half an inch from the base along the shaft to the tip; first or outermost feather white, except a brown mark along the outer web encroaching on the inner towards the tip; all the unmentioned parts of the last rectrices are brown. Wing-coverts blackish brown, the lesser broadly margined with light olive-brown, light ochreous at their tips ; tbe greater edged broadly with brownish ochre, those covering the tertiaries being rust-colour, with black median mark ; win-riet deep brown, with rusty edges ; primaries hair-brown, the first quill edged with white, the next few with pale yellowish brown, gradually assuming a rust-colour towards the innermost |