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Show 406 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON NEW PHEASANTS. [Julie 9, insignis would resemble very closely in its head and neck the P. mongolicus, with the important exception that it will probably be without the white ring so conspicuous in its ally-as the feathers of the neck, which remain in the specimen in my possession show the commencement of the metallic blue and green hues so prevalent in the true Pheasants, but no indication whatever of any white. Although an ally of P. mongolicus, and equally large in size, it differs from that species in nearly every particular of markings and colour, being very much more brilliant in the hues of its plumage, and the metallic spots larger aud more conspicuous. The under surface of the tail-feathers is very dark chestnut, and conspicuously barred with black, this part of its ally being rather faintly marked. The female resembles the hen of P. mongolicus in its general appearance, but is readily distinguishable by a rosy hue, which is prevalent over the entire plumage. This beautiful species was obtained by Mr. Shaw at Yarkand ; but I am unable to state to what portion of the province it is restricted ; for we cannot suppose it inhabits precisely the same locality as the previously described species. PHASIANUS FORMOSANUS, sp. nov. Mas. Ph. pileo ochraceo-einer ascent e viridi-nitente ; fronte nigra; macula parva infraoculari et altera ad basin mandibulee cum regione auriculari purpureo-nigris; facie nuda scarlatina; torque nuchali metallice viridi; striga superciliari et cinctu collari albis, hoc supra viridi terminate : dorso superiore leete stramineo, plumis omnibus macula triangulari nitenti-viridi notatis: scapularibus castaneis, parte basali fusca nigro variegata, parte mediana alba nigro lineata: tectricibus alarum pulchre cinereis: remigibus brunneis, externe cinerascente lavatis et albo irregulariter notatis : secundariis castaneo lavatis: dorso postico cinereo, nigro et ochraceo vermiculato; tectricibus supracaudalibus cinereis ochraceo tinctis: cauda parte mediana ochrascenti-cinerea, rufo externe marginata, late nigro supra partem cineream, rufo supra partem castaneum fasciata : gutture toto et colli lateribus nigris viridi micantibus : pectore castaneo, lilacino nitente, plumis anguste indigotico marginatis-pectoris lateribus pallide stramineis saturate indigotico terminatis ; pectore medio nigro, viridi nitente; abdomine nigro. Fcem. Supra nigricans; collo postico castaneo, plumis albo et nigro versus apicem fasciatis; subtus fulvescens. Male. Forehead dark green ; stripe over each eye, commencing at the end of the green spot on the forehead and reaching to the occiput, white ; top of head aud nape light green ; throat and neck metallic green, blue in some lights ; a narrow white collar, interrupted in front, passing round lower part of the neck ; upper part of back yellowish buff, basal half of the feathers black, except along the shaft, where it is buff, and the outer edges and a large triangular spot at the tip, brilliant green; scapulars broad, with their centres yellowish white, mottled with black at the basal end, but perfectly free from mottling |