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Show 1870.] MESSRS. SCLATER A N D SALVIN ON THE CRACIDiE. 515 thighs. It differs not only from these, but from almost all other members of the genus in the sexes being nearly alike. The patria of C. alector is Guiana and the adjoining districts of Amazonia up to the Rio Negro. In Upper Amazonia it is replaced by C. globulosa. 3. CRAX SCLATERI. Mitu, Azara, Apunt. iii. p. 83. no. 338. Crax alector, Hartl. Ind. Az. p. 22. Crax sclateri, Gray, List of Gall. p. 14 ; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 287. Crax circinatus, L'cbt. M S . in Mus. Berol. (teste Pelzelno). Crax discors, Natt. M S. in Mus. Berol. (teste Pelzelno). Crax azaree, Natt. MS. in Mus. Vindob. (teste Pelzelno). Nitenti-nigra : ventre imo, crisso et caudce apice albis: cristce mediocris plumis nigris versus apicem recurvis: loris nudis, cera et rostro ad basin flavis : pedibus cornels : long, tota alee 14, caudce 14, tarsi 4. Fern. Suj)ra nigra, ochracescenti-albo, nisi in cervice, transfasci-ata : crista alba, basi et apice nigris: subtus gula et cervice nigris: abdomine cinnamomeo, pectore nigro transfasciato rostri basi obscura, apice cum pedibus flavicantibus. Hab. Paraguay (Azara et Page); Mato Grosso (Natterer). Mus. Brit., Vindob., Smithson., S.-G. Azara clearly describes both sexes of this Curassow, which appears to be the sole representative of the group in Paraguay and the adjacent portion of the Brazilian province of Matto Grosso. It was, however, confounded with other species, or provided only with M S . names, till Mr. Gray descibed it in his list of Gallinee in 1867. As already remarked, the male of this species closely resembles the corresponding sex of C. alector; it is singular, therefore, that the females of the two species should be so very different. Our description of Crax sclateri is taken from Nattererian specimens in the collection of Salvin and Godman ; but we have compared them with Smithsonian skins collected by Capt. Page in Paraguay, and find them agree in every respect. 4. CRAX GLOBULOSA. Crax globulosa, Spix, Av. Bras. ii. p. 50, t. 65 (S), 66(2); Reichenb. Taub. p. 135. Crax globicera, Bates, Nat. on the Amazon, ii. p. 112. Nitenti-nigra : ventre imo crissoque albis : crista nigra recurva loris plumosis: cera tuberculata et mandibula utrinque basin carunculata flavis : rostri apice nigra: pedibus rubris: long, tota 36, alae 16, caudae 14*5, tarsi 4-4. Fem. Mari similis, sed tuberculo et carunculis rostri nullis: ventre fulvo : pedibus rubescentibus. Hab. Upper Amazon (Spix); Pebas (Castelnau et Deville); Rio Napo (Mus. G. N. L.) Mus. Brit., Paris., et G. N. Lawrence. |