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Show 1870.] PROF. W. H. FLOWER ON .MLURUS FULGENS. 759 which the sterno-thyroideus muscle is attached. The posterior border is convex, and elongated to the length of half an inch from above downwards by the development of the superior and inferior cornua. The cricoid cartilage is continuous across the middle line in front, but very narrow (not more than *1") from above downwards; posteriorly it widens to *4"; it is convex externally at the sides, the upper and lower margins being much everted. The thyroid bodies are each of a flattened, irregular oval form, lying on the sides of the trachea, extending from the lower edge of the cricoid cartilage to the sixth tracheal ring, and connected together below by a long and narrow band, which passes across the front of that ring. The greatest length of each of these bodies is *7", the greatest width *5" ; and the band which connects them is *5" in length. The hyoid bones (fig. 4) consist of a basihyal (bh), forming a broad arch, deeply emarginate behind, *4" wide from side to side. The anterior cornu has three bones in close contact. The stylo-hyals (sh) are slender, *6" long, and very slightly curved. The epihyals (eh) are shorter and broader, especially at the lower ends, where they Anterior view of hyoid bones; natural size. At. Stylo-hyal. eh. Epihyal. ch. Cerato-hyal. bh. Basihyal. th. Thyro-hyal. are expanded and flattened ; they are *4" long. The cerato-hyals (ch) are nearly as broad as long, vi-ith a strong crest on the anterior superior border. The thyro-hyals (th) are compressed, broad at their basal and narrow at their thyroidal extremity, slightly curved upwards, and *45" in length. THORACIC VISCERA. The trachaea is 4|" in length, and \" in average width. It has thirty-eight cartilaginous rings. The musculo-membranous space behind the rings is *27 wide. It divides into two short bronchi, each of which divides again into an upper and lower branch as it enters the root of the lung to which it is destined ; the left bronchus is slightly longer, and not so capacious as the right. PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1870, No. LI. |