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Show 1870.] MR. H. ADAMS ON N E W EXOTIC SHELLS. 793 This species is well figured by Savigny in the ' Description de l'Egypte,' pl. 10. fig. 4, but is not described. NUCULA INCONSPICUA, H. Ad. N. testa subovato-triangulari, solidiuscula, concentrice irregulariter sulcata, radiatim obsolete conferte striata, flavido-alba, glabra umbonibus posticis ; extremitate antica subangulata, postica ovali; margine interno simplici. Long. 3, alt. 2£, lat. 2 mill. RADULA TENUIS, H. Ad. (Plate XLVIII. fig. 18.) R. testa tenui, oblique ovata, albida ; disco liris minutis, confertis, radiantibus, ad latera distantioribus, ornata; apicibus acutis, elevatis, leevibus; margine byssali subangulato, modice hiante. Long. 8, alt. 10, lat. 4\ mill. RADULA (LIMATULA) PUSILLA, H. Ad. (Plate XLVIII. fig. 19.) R. testa tenuiuscula, elongato-ovali, eequilaterali, radiatim costis (in medio fortioribus), et concentrice striis minutissimis, subim-bricatis, creberrime ornata, alba ; apicibus tumidis, prominulis auriculis ineequalibus; margine byssali declivi, recto; margine ventrali crenulato. Long. 3|, alt. 5, lat. 3 mill. Note.-I described, in a former paper (P. Z. S. 1869, p. 274), a Turbonilla from Vigo under the name of T. speciosa. As I find that name to be preoccupied, macandrece may be substituted for it. The same remark applies to a Tellina from the Red Sea, which I designated (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 6) T. virgulata, and which may be called T. erythrceensis. I may add, that among the shells recently brought by Mr. Swinhoe from the interior of China is one which I consider to be a variety of Helix maacki, Gertsf., but which differs sufficiently to render the following description of it desirable :- HELIX (CAMAENA) MAACKI, Gertsf. Var. /3. U N I Z O N A L I S . Spira anfractibus minus convexioribus, anfractu ultimo majore, fascia una castanea ad peripheriam ornato. Hab- Ichang gorge, China (Mr. Swinhoe). 10. Descriptions of two new Genera and five new Species Shells. By H E N R Y ADAMS, F.L.S. (Plate XLVIII.) Genus PHANETA, H. Ad. Testa imperforata, trochiformis; spira anfractibus paucis, ultimo carinato, expanso, basi depresso ; apertura ampla, rotundata, an- |