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Show 188 MR. O. SALVIN ON THE BIRDS OF VERAGUA. [Mar. 24, Lanio leucothorax. Calovevora ; Chitra ; Cordillera del Chucu ; Bugaba ; V. de Chiriqui. Eucometis spodocephala. Bugaba ; Mina de Chorcha. With two adult specimens of this species, Arce has sent a bird that I for some time considered to be an undescribed member of this genus, as the head and throat are of precisely the same tinge of olivaceus as the back, instead of being plumbeous as in adult birds of E. spodocephala. As I can detect no other differences whatever, except smaller dimensions, and the bird shows some signs of immaturity, I now think that it may be a young individual of the above species. The sex is not marked ; but it cannot be the normal adult female of E. spodocephala, as we have dissected specimens both of that species and E. cristata, which have shown that the sexes do not differ in coloration in this group. 48. TACHYPHONUS NITIDISSIMUS, sp. n. Nitenti-niger, crista aurantiaca, tectricibus alarum minoribus et subalaribus albis: rostro nigro, mandibulee basi albicante, pedibus fuscis. Fem. Olivacea, subtus filavescentior : alis et cauda fuscis, extus olivaceo limbatis : long, tota 5*5, alee 2*8, caudce 2*4, tarsi 0*75. Hab. Bugaba (Arce). Obs. Affinis T. delattrii et T. luctuoso, sed ab hoc colore niten-tiore et subalaribus albis, ab illo crista aurantiaca differt. A very distinct species, curiously combining the characters of the two species above mentioned. In size it is also intermediate, being smaller than T. delattrii and larger than T. luctuosus. Arce has sent several specimens, all from the district of Chiriqui. 49. TACHYPHONUS CHRYSOMELAS, Scl. & Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 440, t. 32. Cordillera del Chucu. 50. CHLOROSPINGUS PUNCTULATUS, Scl. & Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 440. Cordillera del Chucu. 51. CHLOROSPINGUS HYPOPH^US, Scl. & Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 389. Calovevora; Chitra ; Boqueti de Chitra. 52. CHLOROSPINGUS ALBITEMPORALIS, Lafr. ; Scl. & Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 630. V. de Chiriqui. Arremon aurantiirostris. Cordillera del Chucu ; Mina de Chorcha ; Bugaba. Buarremon crassirostris. Cordillera del Chucu. |