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Show 242 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON NEW BIRDS. [Apr. 28, 4. Descriptions of some new Genera and Species of Birds belonging to the Families Formicariid-ae, Pachycephalidse, and Sylviidce. By D. G. ELLIOT, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. (Plates XIX., XX.) CLYTORHYNCHUS PACHYCEPHALOIDES, sp. et gen. nov. (Plate XIX.) Clytorhynchus genus novum Pachycephalinarum ; rostrum com-pressum, subdescendens, ad apicem incurvum; gonys recurvus, fortiter ascendens; remiges secundus, tertius et quartus fere eequales et longissimi. S • Ex toto brunneus; subtus pallidior vix rufescenti-viridis rectricibus apice albis ; rostro et pedibus plumbeis. Hab. New Caledonia. Upper parts dark rufous-brown, slightly brighter upon the fore part of head and rump. Primaries brownish black ; secondaries and tertials like the back, with the edges of the outer webs reddish. Four central feathers of the tail blackish brown for their entire length, the remainder lighter brown, with the ends white, most extensive on the first and second, where it includes both webs, and is about half an inch in length, becoming much less on the third, and is represented on the fourth only by a round spot on the tip of the inner web. Underparts light rufous-brown, slightly darker on the flanks. Bill strong; upper mandible slightly hooked, lower with a decided upward curve, lead-colour at base ; the cutting-edges of both mandibles and point horn-colour. Feet lead-colour, claws horn-colour. Total length 6h inches; wing 3|, tail 3, tarsus f, bill at gape |. This curious species, which represents an entirely new genus of the family Pachycephalidae, holds the same relative position to this family as the Vanga xenopirostris of La Fresnaye (Xenopirostris la fresnayus, Bon.) does to that of the Laniidae. It is a native of New Caledonia ; and the unique specimen from which my description was taken is now contained in the collection of the Museum of Natural History of New York. CLYTOCTANTES ALIXII, sp. et gen. nov. (Plate XX.) Clytoctantes genus novum Thamnophilinarum; rostrum magnum, compressum, subrecurvatum; culmen rectum, apex non incur-vus; gonys recurvus, fortiter ascendens; remiges quartus, quintus, sextus et septimus fere eequales et longissimi; pedes graciles, ungues longiores quam in genere Neoctautes. cS. Capite et gula nigris, dorso abdomineque plumbeis; alis fuscescentibus; cauda brunneo-nigra ; macula magna intersca-pulari alba; rostro nigro, mandibula inferiore ad basin albicante ; pedibus nigris. c$ juv. Niger, rufo-brunneo tinctus; capite saturatius rufo; regione parotica castanea. Hab. Rio Napo. |