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Show 1870.] DR. MURIE ON AN ffiSTRUS FROM THE HIPPOPOTAMUS. 79 either end. Extreme long diameter 0*9 inch, and its greatest transverse one 0*3 inch. Some ten or more slightly raised ridges surround the body ; ventrally these are covered with short fine hairs or setae. On the abdominal surface, close to the head, are two hooklets, by which the animal fixes itself to the flesh. There are two prominent black spots at the anal extremity, beneath these a lip-like projection (the anus), the lower part of which has minute spines; and in this view (C) two nipple-like limbs stand out on each side. Herr Brauer, I. c. p. 276, has given a very useful tabular statement of the various orders, families, and species of mammals in which CEstrid larvae have been found. There is added to each mammalian species the name of the insect, and the part of the body where it was located. Throughout the work there is a full detail of the history, synonyms, &c. of the species; and a copious resume oi the literature on the subject precedes the descriptive text. From his classified Table the subjoined list is drawn; but the present arrangement is altered, and the orders, genera, and species of mammals adapted to our Society's ' List of Vertebrated Animals,' for 1866. Some of the common names have been taken from Dr. Gray's Catalogue of Mammalia in the British Museum, 1843. The object, then, of the following list is to call the attention of anatomists at home, naturalists, sportsmen, Fellows of the Society, and others abroad to the circumstance that any larvae found by them in cutting up or skinning animals other than those here given, perchance may belong to a species of insect new to science. At all events every observation must add to a better knowledge of the life-history of those already known. Whilst entomologists have acquaintance with the imago insect, they often lack information as to the larval form, which those engaged in different pursuits might supply. List of Mammals in which GSstri larvee have been found. BIMANA. Man. Homo sapiens, L. QUADRUMANA. Monkeys. Simiee platyrrhince, genus et sp. ? CARNIVORA. Domestic Dog. Canis familiaris, L. Striped Hyaena. Hycena striata, Zimm. Jaguar. Felis onca, L. Common Badger. Meles taxus, Schreb. RODENTIA. Brazilian Squirrel. Sciurus cestuans, Linn. Squirrel. Sciurus aureogaster, Cuv. Hackee. Sciurus (Tamias) lysteri, Ray. |