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Show n WamH-tefter ¦ *r Filibustering the Filibuster: A Reexamination of the Legislative Role in Establishing a Fair Judiciary Adam H. Reiser (Susan Olson i Department of Political Science The separaicn >>f iwwer It a Fundamental i. i \n oF Unrted Staiet government, hfcweveMhe twc hankt ofthlt reparation a re tested often, partrcuLarly in areas where branches oF government d nectly coll rie One such area It 1 he judicial confirmation process where the Sena1e, a body of 1 he egisLatlve branch. It charged with confirming or reiectlng a n executive's appointment totheiudnal branch. While 1 he judicial confirmation procest hat always been aFfecied by poim al Ideokxpy. the ¦ ¦ ¦!¦¦ ¦ ¦ nart Judicial nominations hat been practiced vrf1 h mow reg u Larlty In recent year^ My ie^a ich scrutinizes the :urren1 state of the Judklal connrmatkm p recess and the appiopi ate role of the Senate hllbut1er_ I conduct that thai the use of Senale fillbutiertto hah jud^ial nominations it not In the best interest of American government propose* fiO vote standard for confirm Irg Federal Judicial nominations The Religious Divide Honors Think Tank Ginger DobltH HomayounHejazi, DtvanHite, Jacob Madsenf Erin Reed, Christopher Sanchez, Kathleen Ted lord. Matt Wei nstock. Brock Worthen (Rev, France A, Davis) Tie UniuenltyorUiah htorwn Prc^ ram Think Tank r a twD-semeHer«pMrlemal program l hat glues a group of Hancfs Hudentt Trcm varbut ma|ors an opportunity 1g work ccillat»ratiue|y en a ccntem pwrary e^k eta I challenge under 1 he guidance cF a faculty mentcr The theme For this ip»drK Think TankvnBS the rellglout diulde in ^ah LakeOtp. The team decided 1o take a u n que a pprcsKh tc 1 h it Issue by tryl ng to shed some iKphtan varlout religious canfllcH wrthln the greater Salt Lake community through the eyes of thecGrnmunnysyouth'agrciupthat It often overlooked when attempting to analyze the^typet of itsues. The goal of the picnect was lwofokJ1 attempting tc define the many Facett of the diulde 1 h rough theMMrlencesof the youths ar>d presenting oppiri u n rtles For contirudiuedalogue between ycmih from various fa rlh groups tc Fjrthef probe the Istue oF the divide |