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Show Zinc Oxide Nanostructured Cages Michael Enure [Ashutosh Tiwari) Department of Material Science & Engineering Zip* Oxide ha* ?ii lasted? to of nttpntranasaviide band a?p semconduciincj material due to H* amaEirvael^tronrand optic?! properties, A-f a 11VI wide bandnnp semiconductor 13.teV at room lero Feraturel ZnO hw are?1 pdentinl for application dpyires, Sorne of the current applicant* Fc* ZnOarewultra*clet hcjht pnrttmcj d"c^?&. urtr^v^lei nlten. gas 5en?or^ ^urgt protKtor^ and photo diode?. In ¦rddition tothecijrreni ^pphc^icn? oF Zn01 here i? alw a gre?1 deal of interest in the rnaterml w a dilute n^ 5erniconductor f&WSJ. PM5 ares r*w Held aF nnaienal-FtKat involve doping a ^erniconductor liteZnO.vmh ^mrill n n-iount of ferron^r^tic ^Icfns, Thi? new Held oF material? has become eKtramely pspu applied H^n in spin etedromc deuces, Spin elertron+r de^Ves wil I fikehy raplwe current eteel romc f>f there abil'dv to ulifiM both the ch?icie nnd ?pin oF an electron allowing thefn to procew and store data We hwepoduced Nar>?jtrurturedZnO ^rage? fig.l]. In thi5iechninuebulkZnOi5dJ5wrvedi Ten ]? then heated for about tw^1^ hour and lov^tenFflraturewlution bawd wl 9^ technique (we adiMe»lufcnofcitricac"d The^olu hlg hh/ poroui ZnO n^n^tructured XR&. ^EM. EOAK Ftiotolumineyrence^PUand Rarnan Sp^ctroKCpv- XRD, ZrO caaei^ra nano^trwtured and single phaw.We^o obwf^ed quite ?ha rp room lemr^rature Fn?m thew ^arnple? H q My porous n?no cage? ^an be used as ga* storage medium MnrnndtxTila?ir^HippJ^Hition5 Uung our tec hnhque ^ir^u^ dop^nt^ (-Ga. Mn. CoJ «r intr^u<:ed mtn ZnO nurtecon-^niently to tailor its opiVal .electronic a^v^ell a? magnetic property?. 1 ^EW imnqp oF ZnO r^je? prepared by wl gel 61 |