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Show Differentiation of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Under Fluid Shear Stress Taylor J. Moore [Van-Ting Shiu) Department of Bio engineer ing. University of Utah nrdio^isrijlar disease is the leading c?uje of death in the United State?. A? a result there have t*en ^^L^ .......¦/* i^^.m-h ^Ffnrts rnade to 1 reat orcurecaiHic. mnhi Jiwis* Fm e*am pie. en oVU hell bI ^^^^B pr^3?m1nr r^lMEPC* were h- i i I ¦ riJ" | 11 .uvi il hasten proposed 1ha1 inl r^ii 01011.11 y inf11 fliK oF EKs i n patrents v*"d h A^ute Mvwardinl I nfn iri^n rnay have the rxHentiaHo restore myo^ardi?! furrclnn 1o the damaged area (51 Indeed, tht diKDveryoF EKi h?vt radVally ?rt^fed 1 he way in whVhiVJ^ularbioloqi^t^ and dinici?re think ?t>?ut rnKhani^rns in vj^ylar homeoHasJ* nnH rernodelina which w^eihought to inwl1^ ?n hy n?1 u re EC?. ^1 Arthouflh EK& an? nunbuipd to have a ycinifiraini role in vascular repair and reaeneratirjr\ l+iflir workirq ne^ham^ni? are not >"et ^lear. \2 51 It"? z\y> nd vet clear v*hat f^tor? drive EPC differefiti?1 n?n inic rnature EC? Ely sti>dying the broh^rnl rondrticfi? For EPEj. neovasculariMtiCin can tw optimized, ttl In the prewni ^tudftwee^airninedthfl effect or" shear M rew on tht differential ^n tf E PC? byu^r^an invrtrrj ?y?wm. Crycpreserved prlrna ny progenrtor cells hwJated r"rorn a single cbn^i ^ peripheral bloods were cuHur€d on rit*onKtm ™nedglaw 5"d^ For 2 days suppJemflntfld with compete endolrwrial grov^h rnediurn. Th^w cells were then subjKted to j venous level of sh^nr stress ?1 ^ dyn cm 2. Sheared EPC* were stamed For a specific erxto 1heliaikfl|ln-iarher. encbi h^hail n rtrnr oxde synthaw (eNOSl An imnci ingipftw^i? flFlab^ was used For mVrc*cope irnnfl^nrciijisition and analysis or" imrnurxi fluorescently siained rells for quantifying the ^*e\ oF ef>0& i n thew cells. ^Vt round 1 hat sh^ired EK& stamed po&"r|"rve ror eNOS sugrjesting their cornm"r| rneni toward differential"^ to ECs in a phywrogKrallv relevant fk^w environment We are curreni ry v^rkirq to determine "rT the rnagnrtud^ oF th^ shear strpss influence?diKerantiation Wpwil11^s1 drffereni shear rnnc|niiucl?5con-ipnr3br?tophysrolcqicalcondi in arierie?. veins, and capillaries. These find" ng* will ad^anoe our undemanding of EPC d"fferennatr?n at tht T..XMurohar^ A. Sullivan. M. Silvw, ft Var*de* Zee.T. Li. B. WitE^ntH^hIgr, G. Sch^treman.and J. M. l^?lationoFpu1ative progenitor ^ndothehal cells for anrjiogerflsis. Scwnc^ 57^9M-^7r 1 p£7. 2. Francis ?. Endoth^hnl piogenrtor^eHs and coronary artefvdiwaw.Hwrt ^O'H I-S95,2004- v. M-.^v1. Erl.andPC Webw. Offfeierrtlation and expansion oF er>dothe^il w^5 Frorn human tone marrow a. Patrefson.C The Ponzc-Effect: Endothelial Progeniior Cells Appear on tht Horizon. Circulation lO E.. RW. FwJ^kR 0. We^ 0. J. Stew?^ W ) Kutryt and i V-arm-j Fndnrhpinl Progenitor Cells. Circu |