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Show Neuronal Death Occurs in the Brain of Preterm Lambs Managed by Conventional Ventilation for 3 Days Jeremy Alvord {MJ Da hi, A Sluimway, DM Null, RH Lane, KH Albertine} Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah Bnckgiound Pwte" n^ birth i^lr^v^d by prcilcinpEd rnK hr-inic?l v?ntil?1 en cJ=ten resuh* in Thronr lur disease -ICLOl oF prematurity Associated vmh I uncj 'n|u ry i& brain injury. The rnolecular pathv^ys thnt ?"? nih^t^ i n the brain oF praterrri r*on?1fl5 du ring 1 he ev^lutrsn of CL& are unclear On the oih^r hand, anbml n^d^^^Fmtr^uiprine growth retards en h?w?hov^i th?1 spoptosj? iscjiPHitei m ih^ brain oF r*?5tna1?l rat pups with intrautenra growHi retardatic^i corppared 1o controls <Ke et al. A JP 3M4I. A flpopio^is cf nwiPonBl ffllls in tht bra^n ]? en har>™d during the e^ ufen of £L0. T1 Pn?tein-||nmb5^U2daest?iH5nl were rnansged by conventr^nal mecha nVal ventilation TCVj ^r nr-|>il ^onti n uou? poi"d w ?ln^ay pre^iurp mC WPi i^r 7£h^n-^^aroup!' We u?ed twsur? was arwlyzed For protein abundance ^rnnujnoblot ?nalysisl and Inrnunoblot ana hyy? ^howtiH th?1 ^a^rxiw ^ protein abund^n^embrnin larnb? v*as greate* m the CV group ^ornpa red to 1he.nCFttP group, at 72h. iproiein was Iwahwd m n>?n?Puikin|p^l? in tht cerebellum mlhe^V rpAP group at 72h. to the - ¦-¦ ¦¦-¦-- Our results ?hov^ th?1 rnarkersofaFopiosi^caspase 3 protei n abundance and i aremorepre*aleniinihebrain?ofpe1flrm bm h thnt ?ip managed by t"u rornpared to KPAR We conclude that CV roni rlbute? to attrrtr^n of neuionj during the hrsi i^w dap oF 1'ife support with a ventilator |Supp?riedby |