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Show E RE5EA Brera?-I umuon- it The Success of the Young Parenthood Program Spencer Hall, Sasha M and rag on, Paul Florsheim, Laura McArthm. Mn-kGaskill Dspartm*nt of Psycho I ogyf Univ*rsity of Utah The goal of This study bto assess th* Jwrt-cerm effedve/iess oh he T&u ng Pd remind hog ram ffPh a prevenilve-lm^fvenclcin program de&lgned to help |ji»u i. ¦ adolMcemi and rhelr partners develop poslr.iv* co-pawfiilng ikil N 1 his piograni .1 ini 10 improve upon levels or I _>^nl n y. h>Hji rnch and iatlsficttom ^ktdn ihe-nontect of the ca-parentirfl wfaibniTiip. Ic ii h^pflthalffidlhEit < 11 more vhji inly engaged bis hostile, and leporc hiyln leveli of rdiitonihip ji ihe fi nc poii-niial fail bw-up 112^_ li fctuse* Cfi chree rneMurea of Hie tou ptei reliiVinihlfM. lhe IGHlLiht: &pafcerK» m C bu keldcionihlp kaife ftgifcftd |KPfi-fl>. and the keldifcnihlp Cipacny Cr^ingSdieme IftTS] A locil of 56 LdupJei hive participated thui fd 1 (N=2fi per ^roupj bdilydNdKiniimlJi.ldie jM in^le^ie-in HCC5 ii_cirH frorn pwnjtjI diieiinwnc (11 }i&G-S^*ek poii-niidl fdk> up ^2} tn ladies (but rwi ihfr rnoi he^ In [he Imervenibn |l merventkni X factor =152. p--:.G5| Nu wy n iii inierdLifcn Wdi found for QMI and bClMl icofei from 11 to r 2 flesurti Mtace l hdi Then? may te Impfovement In tfieftthefi1 refatlorul Cdpaclcle^. I Ic liiclll w^eaHyio draw dny lunlI uiluiiL. Difficulties and Challenges Facing Users of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices: What Can Professionals Do To Facilitate Effective Usage? Jennifer Harrisx (Brtnda Gunnison) University Writing Program, University of Utah While human inieracclcinlaorwcifthemc^t bask needs for ^ al develctfrneni. corn rnunkal en It a challenge for Individuals wich hearing and speech Impalrrnent Fcrturacely. cechnDlcgy has provided For the use and development of Augmentative and AHernai me tarnm unlca lhDn^y^tems Li1erance-based5ytiemsare|uHoneexarnpleciFan AAt_i^3tem now available for 1 he speech and hearing Im paired Afthcmg hihe^ tv^erns and devices can asalu che user in expfewlng thoughts and rieas 1 h roug h vote, there are dlffeurtte In usl ng l he *At tvscern rcM effeci ive comrnunlcatton rt ischeietpcinsitalrty if Speech and Langu^eProreulonals to make euery effcfi 1o bke-Ih their patients In deuebplngthenicrct efrec-I ive forms oF communlcal tan aua liable For the use of thei 1 patients Theie it a need to eraluate what dlfrKuftles aAC u&ert experjence. and rww professionals can atslsi in imple-rneni irg 1 he use of thedevices My research eapdcfetwhac these difficulties and challenges are and Investigates hew professional speech therapists can rnosi effective^1 ccmtai l he Issues that lead to dlsccui^perneni am: implementation delay, fesearch today vrf II lead to better discussion tomorrow, working togei her wrthi he ccm-rnunlty, 5peec h and Language Professionals vd II ma ke Important contributions by helping hearing-impaued patlems Integ rate seamlessly wrth the hearing work! |