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Show Hearing Parents in Crisis: Providing Access to a Language-Rich Environment to Assure Literacy Development in Deaf Children Patricia A. Moses (Brenda Gunnisan), Univ*rsity Writing Program, University of Utah Lnnquncie nro.ui5ition in early childhood 15 crucial to literary dpyebprnpnt I rnngine the thoughts oF hearing parents when confronted wrthttie birih of-n deaFchikLachild who cannot henispoken language. H™ will this chiW acquire dd^al In ng ua^e skill* to build n foundation foi ln^r-acy ar>d Future *oci?lar>dedijr3tr?nalopportunrties7 Though commun^ion exist? beiween pa rent and child Frorn the rnomeM of birth, the deaf newborn ha? no access 1o the rich ^ u Hural contwi of sp^k^fi l?nci Ur"HJ€-. Because brain speci^liza l"i?n for lanpu3fl?Hii"inui?itiono<^urswrthina specinc wind™ oF oppsrtunrtfc an irnp^nshed lingu'uuc input put? 1 he deaF chi U at risk. Aorordlrq to Charlotte) Evan^ Awoci^ie Proi^sor m the Faculty oF EducaHon, Univ^rsJiy of Manitoba lew than 1<^b of deaF ch" Wren ha1^ a deaF parent or older deaf relative Hearing parenKadiujtment to a child^ ofcaFnes* is 1 i?un-iu1 ^ ?nd 1 he child most ohHn eniers Ki ndergarten lacking adequate ?H3ned or spoken kingunqp skills As speerh and hearing professional^ we have a rasrxinsjbilrn/ to oFrer parents every powiol? op I V?n 10 help their deaf child dev^opthew crucial ?k"l I? wrthinHipp*opri?ifldev^oprrient?lniilfl5iones. The deaf ^ornm unHv views thennelve? a? a cultural ?r>dhn!3ui5iHrrninorityn^h in h ^tory. more?, and s\&ned language In ^ontrwt. the n^edi^al community view? deafn^H v$a dpfir d ar>d oFrer? intff^ntiona I approaches in a restorative atwmpt. Wv raw^rch eKarnir*? the tension betv^een these cultural and ¦ nfirm'rty models ar>d e^pkires signed s a Founds "en for acquirma ?nd developing literacy shl I* in deaF^hiWren. U rtim^tely. providing ? tin environment For the deaf child must take pp«eden« when counseling and wsisiing henn ng parents J |