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Show a Genetic Counselor Response to Patient Concerns Michelle Endo and Lee Ellington College of Nursing i communication hdi become an Increasingly Irnporrani [he iwj>_ il field, [here, lu^ brfn huh reaEtifdi conducted In ellry siorrini u n KidClun In [he pies*nr study, ws examined the sqweialon of cfcnt concema and ¦ ¦¦ - Loun^lor respon-slwneaiTlie projfrLi i nwifiti nwa phasei Pluitone kradves 1we ¦¦u,!-, tool refinementand Craining, cuing and rehablky. dab entrft dlyili jfid pieien[aiton ofieajHi Ffiaie [Wiinwilges hi responae Kiincerl a? paM of large ?tudy. A *a rnple of counwlor* wa? random ly n^jjg ned race and prewn^oFspouw. AH wrth ftoier Interaction An?h/sl5 Sy^tern fWA&l. They were K>ded ? ^erond Hme Vkfiti^nq mndence? oF^lrent RlftS-c-on- tht counw^or anieratent* ?nd responses. For ?nieced?nt nnd re^Fonw^tJterneni, coders a^qne \ code b-ased on prwess a nd content of the lnier-nct"c*n. the pipnnt?! ?e5?r?ns h?V€ t>*en codel rnerged v^"d h 1 he larger a nd are currently ttmcj ?nr-||^7ed These rasuHs ?n? hkery to For phdit- Involves rhe ^llenr i>^i jk ^il^I itdLiVin-s while v"**lr^ ihe gen«iL eertinseb* respont-1 h i concern rt"a hkely [hd[ chenii piocesa genetic cojruellng and [e^ing informal nan wkhin j tCfi[eyi ofpsyeholK^ l fdUOfi. j^-f hrrln liklt^ri jLtjuI lhil pfKtii Nett Iri'/HiliydTluni JFri undefWBy wtikil gen£[li_ counMlo^nd cfc&nt toriim jntatlon bj aito Iniprove cfcnt outcomea I D HK<eil This pro>Kt involve? studying individual diFireipr>™? in ^^mrnunrjtion derived from ?ion and phy5ioloa"c?l stre?? ie&r>?ni;p A^oidinq 1o theorre? oF emotional e^pes^ion.tjlriincj about disi resting events c?n help indivrduah intear?1e such evenly and can lead to improved h^ilth nnd *dju&1 rneni (Pennet^ikpr et nl. lfltffr ^rnyth. l^Wl. Indiv^ur"il5fl«pre55r5nofd"?tre?srnaybe imputed by either supportive, receptive ipSFonje* or unsuppcitive. rrrtir^l responses f\ou\ other* fLepore, 3M2I. Fm?lryH tcih ihet^piewion fEsierhng ei al. i^Wand the-supprej^n of ditfraw fGross & Le^nwn, 1 !>^7| ha1^ been linked to ^al pnthwjy?. Thflw pal hwjy? v^"d hln cjeneiV ^ou n^ehr^ int^ta^i km are currently r>emcj examined fikehy to have 1 i?inin^ nind clm^al implrjtion? For the r^prdly evolvi ncj prore^wn or"genetic counsphnp. |