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Show Musical Protest and the Downfall of Apartheid South Africa Adam Bow«n (CiroLi w Own by} Und argraduate Studies, University of Utah In 1344. the South Afrrnn government implemented the system oF^parthed. For forty three years, wh rtes i u L?d by force to achieve complete wpar^iVin of wh rtes and bl^ks- hbpinn for ? tetter Trfe, rnany carnpaianed For equnl rights Ihiouah potent and vVitence, subje-rtinrj thefnwlvei to torture ?nd de?1 h ^imuhrinecHj^ly. n?ny demonstrated diwpproval m other v^v^ ^Vhile scholars 5Uflfl€?t ripn n h^id was abolished hv Force, the narrative at a person?! le^l propows musk as s kerio surce^s, 1^-50-f popjl^r musk altered the vshowir^ the w?"Wthntbln^k^i"ciuld be equ?Mo white?. Success of blwkarti^tun Anerra n sym tcl of fi^ecbrn nnd n>5t"rvator For ^uth AFrrans Governnerit offrial? banned rontro^rslal song? fron- sianeto prevent wrrnl unrest: this caused the numc written ?nd?unrj in the streets to ha^thenxist irnpact. The 1 fttfs ?rd 1 ^70s witnessed social aftet?1 "en as wr^i oF nourninn a nd d *w pp?intneri1 into sona? oF racje a? South AiTica^ youth rebelled agamst the sysien. Mu^r in the 1 !>S0i was animated bv the dra rnntir d?n^?. Toyi Toyi as otick? took 1o the streets 1o express disapproval. Musr o^ni rlbuted greatly at funerals, union worker? meetma^ ardinsV*e the wal^oF prison?. The purpose oFthnprojKtlsto show that music t moigik. build hop^ard incite ? feeing or" responsj bilrty. Asamodeofp^holorjicnllibernien ij notirVnition nnd rnost commonlyporiVal protest, ifujsk v^5 used as a key weapon i n n?1 "ve ^uth Cmtion Ounfiy |