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Show E RE5EA Fine Arts Application of Infrared Photography Kevin Kau [Maureen CVHara Uiel Departm*nt of Art and Art Mistoi y, University of Utah Inf rarad ptittogra phy has na teen truly explored In htstorkal and Mntemporary art Manyphttographeri 31 iome i.....¦¦ ¦ I cflreen I i-t- 11 ¦ I nl Infiared InugH more as a c jriosky than aast«5l for ¦* aiel e±preasbti UlStortally only a snidll nunibei of^reai phoiographeri have successfully u*ed Infrared aa 1 heir medium Minor Whiter wiikmihe 1 Kffs Hpresenti ore of Hie only ma]orworbflftirrared photcgraph^ Since Minor White, infrared phrtic^iaphy lui been brgely Ignored i n an |.«l a -.. iph befeve ihac Inhared phorogi-aphy has cremendsiji pocemlal Mo^i p hoi eg i^phen fuve ghused over this way beta uu oriht CKhnkal demands and l irne neftfcd foi l h rt procwi. I have- Q^rtGine in^nyd l Ksoesro [he palm where I can comforcably f«ui primarily on chefinearciapphtaiknnof mfwred Images treaied ficmipurtlnrrartdr^ hi yWdicdrklyiu i ieahn«gery While ahapea and forms d ie recognlafcfeaa things we have entou rnertd m our phyitdl hMsrkl l he way Inf rartd I ^ hi behavei tan be vastly different Inthii project I eyplcire l he ^ay ihac Infrawd 1"^ hi leani wliti ihe rt^rld arou nd ui wh it T« usmg on treating ail I ti-> to captjrea world Mtth wnh-h we Lan noi ^ee yei ^ul eyliii|uii L*yc<id our Vrtua I ipectrum I have chosen to fee us mj waft on the reldiV^n^hlp i-u^m k i environment and man-made crtaitoni pnnurlly oecaose of [he it h neis of Infrared Imagery that I hate encountered In this setting PJi cassetting! arefflniillar cc us, and by showing 1 hem chrough Infrared I show how vastly s urreal they can appear Also, by creal ing Images Ifi roug h I nfrared Ikpht I pustiHie sub)ecT matter one step hjitherfiDm realhy. bringing 1he viewers aiientlon more ic>vards t«d u reH ihap^ and gradient Insiead of dwelling on what Is actually in l he phot«praph By focusing on i he aesihetktaf my imagery my results are more than an exploration, but rather focu^d on line an |