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Show HWA-Byung (A Korean Culture Bound Syndrome): Anger or Depression? Char I £5 C. Kim (Kyum Chon) Department of Health Promotion a Education, University of Utah Hit.) hvung ?n angei syndrome is consVtered to Im Korea n cull u re bound syndrorne (P5WIV. Liteiature re*"»ew suggests that H^i hyung n?y be reused hv «n>5tKinal straw &u^ h 5rc4gpre55Kir\slthcii^hth€irrellitiDn5hip^triH^"i b^ung Hire not clear Rerentlv. FVirk and her rol defir*?1ed their r^Uition^hip^ -such thmt depression fe.!3v*or™d n\vy btn>?i? pr^cfninant ?1 the ^tape of H^i byuna- followed by ?r«f in the end. An examination of previous sludpes, hov^ver. sug 1 hat jnger rnay be P ri;t. then depression l?1er The purpowoFthis Hudvww to wsnine thes* tws i ing fKiori; to h^ra byu nfl using The cross sectional desH3n v^i perForrned using two rnatched s^rnplei; SO hwj byung patient! ?nd *0 People. The ms11 u rnenn; were ^TAXI K -IKrir-e^n ridnpirit^n of &1at* Tr-ait Anger L«# Both sam ptes w?re not different in terrnsofdenn>gMphir ^innbles^ea..iiae, aer>der. n^r'rial sistus, re^qcus pref Correlational analysis suggests, howe^r, th?1 ?r«f was rnore pe^fcniin?ni emotional jtrpjs at the early m^ivbe rnorepreckirnin^ni one later. dnduitoftf nnd d^prtsicn may be im pedant emotKinal stress ForHwa-b^ung; however, anger appears 1o be rnore sahent in the beginning and depression m theend.^^ntraryto Park Charts c |