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Show E RE5EA i ¦¦ Development of An Osteoporotic Bone Model Brett Teran {Kanl BachusJ of Orthopedics, University of Utah Oicfripiiiuili rs d . ¦ [I n Incorporates-dimlnlilwd tone mauand sflutCijal deterioration of bonensiue Undsr chew cntfidii Pins bone become* frag ife d nd is moie sjjicepn ble coward ftdU u le, spec rfcally hip, vertebrae and peJtfc fractures Ned ily-H mi llbn Americana hateflrare m serous-uanger of L>slng affeaed by asCeoporos^ 11D million indlvldudrs have [hedisease. and almoii 3d million more are «t I mated to- have low bone maa. rityri rlsl; for osteoporosis] Due In twa women, and ort In Um age. 50. wrill fuve an oSteoponHfa-reJdned haccurt in hi^hei remdiin ir^ llfeclrne 1-i bllhon dollais-pei tart coin d ie accrltrtJtid Co ofleopowils- mvJ die resuHartfraclurei fl 3 ifillfcm anniull/i fiCfii ihe disease .....Individual* are afTetied Ly .....I compression fractures arhdT^ betn done to dSermine potential differentei in onhGpediL creatment k pjnp^nc^sur^erlr^ from l he disease. Cadaveriare used for bionw^hdinhal Taccure ieii in^_ Pioblerm chii ewet In cadaver research tnclude obraining oaeoporotlc cadatera for test Ing and chevdridnonslr Ue^i^e of osKeoporosb among dffierent taddver^. Sheep caddver* are uitd m pJace of humin tadavers, astfiey are nure-ohtabiahle and less expenshe A consistent repejnable, dind reliable ttine model containing ire appwprliie value of bone densliy cenres|»fid-ln^ to l he de^ iee^ of osteoporosis- nmou kJ be i slgnlhcdm: help In ireii rnem dirJ pieventlon of osteopofoslSL lhe pilmjNy^oal of thb studj liCaotAainafonslstejiC Hflabiiand re^dcable tone modsl of osteopofosfe lredCing sheep vertebral bodies utth fomHc acid will causettie necesiary bone density dsmlnerdllzaibn vdlues CBiftsixrfidln^ to l he degiees of osteopofosts In human venefrdN bone PRELIMINARY STUDIED Studies- have been done which show chai bovine vertebral bodies- can be deg laded using fc-rrnk add in very h Kphtoncentrauons achieving a stace of bone cfensrty lots be^rd that of Mteopo-iosit. Anc-i her exrstlng ttudy relaied the values In E-pedmens oF sheep uertebfal bodies compared to human veMebral bodet_ This s-1 ucjy conveyed the ranges that the bone must be deml nerallzed Inorc^r to achieve an c^teoporc<lc stare in cornpa rrson tc a Hmpfe of human osteoporotic bone No research has- tsen done that uses- entire vertebral bodies- akmg vtkh lhe degiadauon capabllhy of formic ac d in a controlled, vaKuumrtx ensure E-ys-iem rhai will cause oimpaiable and repeataHe otieoporotfc bonefoi furcheneti irvj. MATERIALS A METHODS The University of Utali mscrcuclonal animal care and use committee revewed and approved lhri si ucft1 Twelve frozen sheep vertebral bodies were extracted From 2 sheep cadavers- The specimens were dls-artlculated while frozen Using a^ mm drill bnarda power drill, holes-werednlled through the center of the vertebral body^wrch 1he vertebral bodyorlenied In anaiomlcal poshlon and l he hole dulled down the longitudinal axis, completely Ifi rough che ueriebra I bcoty. The specimens-were ana |yzed us-ing Dual Energy X-rav Adsorpriomecry ^DEXA^ for imaging and calcu^tionoFrhe bone mineral c^ns-rty F^urel -Dual Energy X-ray AIko ratio met ry (DEXA1 Beca use ofthe spec rfichy in prco; rams oF che DEXA inobialnlng Images of lhe bodv.and becau^ the speclmem were not oF complele EfMne^ che rght-hard X-iay prcgram was emploved The DE3*A measurements haue previously fcsen calculated to provkJeche acceptable ranges of BMDi hat cones-pondio osteoporosis- Twelve oTthe veriebral bodes-were then sub|ected In chemical Ireacmem: by organs acid. Inject ton of a solution ofZtt fbrrnlc |