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Show Dance Movement Therapy with Autistic Preschoolers: The Rugrats Sofia Stefanie Lingos [llsode Koeyer) Departm*nt of Psychology ?nd h^ been rnakir^rts gradual thp rde? 1 hat movemerfl UtiVig wo" y Th"r sp^ctruni, u^ing qual"1r"itive d ^^nr^crcn within purpow oF 1 h ij &t"x*ywu to Dancemovementtherapv^CWrj became popular in the dehuievprsmrp H w^s quickhy applied to the ?u1"^tic woulda^iMihemin n^nkii^ <^n nation within thff r 1h?&i^fwu5P^onu5"nci DMT wrth children of pre^hwil age who are on rewarch methcds Acjoal 1 h"i5 nrcyp oF people ^ h^rjcteriEed by sim "lar ^^nrriuriraticin 1he children1? re^ponw to tht therapy t>?1 h withm mc*e large 5calg PWT, ?i ?i>rh s rxweUpproach to tre^ilrq c hlrdren with auti^n. ha? a long way to go 5ca lg re^esre h project? in tht Wd rpefen/caw ?t">die5. Over 1 he course oF 10 w^scn?. the obw*ve* noiei of the overall dswrwirn wttincj.and more ir^cifrallv Focuwd on 4chiHren in both a rnornir^ Hind note^v^re then 1"^n^r^^ into de?rripiion?nnd?n^|yw? as found in the p^je? to ^orne The rnethoch used v^ere ? strictly naturalistr observsiVinal pioc|iP^throuc|hou1 thewseHion&sr>d display? Form of «f pr^Hion and con-ipujmcatrm The withm the jpenrV ^ hlH a? well a? the Wd ?i ? whole Within each wwion one could swthe children bKorninp morp rictivply invoked, nnd denn n si?wholeHslloFihenproare55ed. Att"jnma'sr>dnirrorinaHivfl different ways of matching and interpreting their rnovenenH. v^ere the rna|or tooh used v^hen v^rkirq v^ih the children. Auf^tic child ren a re^ry ?p«lal. and flachonpun^uemhi^heidiwoilrties^o to find something whrh v^rk? v^ell For ?ll oF then i? im pc^^ble. Hov^ ever. w"rth1he v?r">ety of »ncjs. movements, and ^rtivnues which take pl«e during the DW wwion^i here was something For everyone. E*rh perwn dance? to the rhythm of higher own bwi, ?nd 1 hp&e child ipn have found rnore way? to use 1 heirs 1o communicate. that the children ngs In body nn nd connection, v^i h ? new Found then to be interpreted For further r"rdv?n^P& |