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Show The Legality of Abraham Lincoln's Use of the War Power ; Julie A. Hottes (Elizabeth Borgwardt} Departm*nt of History During the C rvil Wn i Rodent Aoraham Lir>r^lr\- m oidprto i^spond eKectrveh/to the ate States of America emptayed a broader range of powers a* cornmarder in chief ofthe United jtaiesarme'd forcesthan America^ pre^cus pre5idents,and m domg y>created j newconcepi, the *rar p^wff. This, p^p^ ^rullniMS 1 he legality cf Lmrnln^ actions by^wn" nlng h"u ju?tific^tiDn&. a nd whel her or noi hn rn-iiL?n-F support hlj wwfticns that he Invoke th^v^r pcwer in the rvimfl oF rnilrt^rynKflHity.This paper alwstudie? changes in pcrrtral thought throi^hihe courw^FAnerran h"storyHfl«?rnining the pwsibilrtyihat although Lincoln^ U5e of executive authority m^ht r>?t have been arc^pie-d in 176?. by the ^u1 own k of theOvil ^Var, Anencan pHjbr^opinion night ?ltov*? rna|or"dvtoarcepi Unroln? adKin? a? leg"dlni?1fl. Finally thi? paper e^^rnine? the Constitution itwlf# along v^d h ool h Lm<^ln5 mteipwtntion of rtand KcwsKinisU1 interpretation oF"d, and questions whel her or noi 1he ConMHuicn "t? a flexible doc " nient. n Ik^wing ferihe preservation oFthe govern rneni which it created, in orde* to deiflrmine iF Lincoln^ attempt! to Force 1 he Confederate states back into 1+ie uni?n v^re tegalor illegal. This study, brides v?r"fcgty of secondary sourre^ em pkiys prirna ny sources, such Lincoln ?r>d the di?r"i« and leiiersof John Hay. the This study concludes th?1 Abraham Lincoln^ useoFthev^r power wa? legal because his Ktr^ns we^ in lirw wrth his justification^ terauwhe had the support oFihe political maprltjnn theumon. a-nd because the ConstH ution " a fle^iole document. |