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Show Properties of Encapsulated Proteins in Mg(A0T)2 and KAOT Mark E. Ogilvie (Peter Flynn) Department of Chemistry, University of Utah The influence of confinement on the strurture. dynamics and liability c^ wrter wluhle p*otemM"?n t* very effectively examined usir>s reverse micelle tosed encapsu Lntion. A reveps* mkeHe is forme-d bv am ph irMthic mc^cules (surfaciantsl that ha1^ their charged or polar head groups facing inwards and Hreirnon pslar tai Is Fauna outward ErrfMp-sulntion oF a v*ater wluhle protein involve* su\ i^und mg 1 h? proton oF Iniere^t wrih w^tprand ^uifwtjnt Forming J rev^wmV^lfl. Th'u enables? water wluWe protein to withm the surfadant shell. Ub<iu rtin. a ?f? nmino acid protein ha^ t>=en pr>riip?ylated with" n revere micel^ wmq sodium suli^5iJccin?1fllWTlandstudiedusinasolutr5riMWR I n 1 h? Turr-ent si utfy theNa- lonin for Mn£" or K" and ciu^M rf|f»d u^ncj Hnn^e ?1on-nc nt??orption sr^ctroK^pv inarnt AAJ. Flame me 1o ?tonnize corpp5ur>di i n solution: thfl atorn of intere&i t$ qunntnied by rt^ I q hi lervjthi where the rnet?l r^n of intere&i hai rna^irnal ?bsorb?n^e that is recorded ¦ n a c*etKtor. Using method, v^e Found that ?fter 1 he counts ion «fch?rfl^ was r^ri^rme^L ^&^n oF the Na ¦ was replaced *= oFihe Na i was reared with an successfully encapsulated In 1 he KAOT. MrjfAOT^and Na^rOT surFa^tnntSnind its pNystal propels ¦^r* rurrently u nder invptficjatran In tfww^-ountefran ^r"»ed surFa^tants u^ncj solution NMR. The v^ato loading capnriiy of KAOT is 1hesn^lles1,t^trti encapsulation efn^iency is supercro^rthiatoFWjI^TlS. However. rnore ePficient in rti er>rapsulaticin of uhmurtin. but 1 he resulting reverse mVeNe is less siable Thus fa r. htiAOT has Iwen four>d to t* tetter in effrlencyoF er>rapsulaticin ?nd stnbllrtyi however, of pie forming the W^^AOTJ2 with a sart solutr^n of McjO2 rnay change this c u rrent model by siabihzincj Hie MrjiAOTH reverse- mVelle. In addition, the size- ofthe Mcj(AOD2 reverse mr^lg was greatest due to a larger a^recj^icn n u mbei. vhitfi * the numbei cir" mcil^ules making up the reverse rnicelfe. Afartf. Ggtirie ftpm |