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Show GROWTH IN RESIDENTIAL USE OF ELECTRICITY IN TENNESSEE With Comparative Data for the Entire United States 1927-1949 TENNESSEE'S BANK AMONG THE STATES IN AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL USE 1927: 42d place 1949: 5th place* Tennessee's rank exceeded by Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington Source: Tennessee Valley Authority FIGURE 9. existing or contemplated. Therefore no considera- tion is being given to expanding the TVA contract- ing service a_rea beyond satisfying a few minor and long-standing commitments. Needed additions to generating capacity.-To meet anticipated needs the following additions to generating capacity are proposed under programs already approved: Kilowatts Capacity as of June 30, 1950____________ * 2, 993, 610 Additions: Fiscal year 1951__________________ 187, 500 Fiscal year 1952_______.___________ 878, 400 July 1-Dec. 31, 1952______________ 811,000 Subsequent additions______________ 86, 000 Total additions________:_________ 1, 962,900 Total capacity__________________ 4,956,510 1 Includes Aluminum Co. of America plants. Still further authorizations are necessary to en- able TVA to provide for the needs arising after 1953. Conclusions (1) The Federal Government has assumed the responsibility for supplying future power needs in the Tennessee Valley and in TVA's service area, and must, therefore, provide for normal load growth. (2) The expansion program for both hydroelec- tric and steam power should, insofar as compatible with strategic necessity, recognize the load growth which results from low rates. (3) Expansion in advance of demand is also necessary for military preparedness. 776 |