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Show TABLE 12.-Econoxnic summary o£ authorized reservoir program Completed projects Projects under construction Projects not yet started Total authorized program 1. Number of projects. 2. Total cost (millions of dollars): Federal: Flood control............. Power................... Navigation............... Low water regulation...... Recreation, fish and wildlife. Water supply............. Subtotal. Non-Federal: Low water regulation...... Recreation, fish and wildlife. Water supply............. Subtotal. Total. 3. Annual charges (millions of dollars): Federal.................... Non-Federal................ Total. 4. Annual benefits (millions of dollars): Flood control............... Conservation, etc............ Power...................... Navigation................. Total. 24 107.5 48.0 4.6 9.2 1.5 1.1 171.9 7.9 (*) 7.9 179.8 8.2 .3 8.5 13.1 2.9 4.6 .3 20.9 11 171.5 59.5 0) 8.6 C) 239.6 1.4 1.4 241.0 13.6 .1 13.7 11.3 1.0 10.2 (*) 22.5 45 559.1 90.3 (0 24.1 C) 0) 673.5 2.1 1.4 3.5 677.0 (0 0) 0) 80 838.1 197.8 (4.6) 41.9 (1.5) (1.1) 1, 085. 0 (2.1) 10.7 12.8 1,097. 8 1 Not allocated. 2 Negligible. * Not estimated. Annual charges and benefits were estimated for the authorized program at the time of its formulation. Revised estimates of these items, reflecting changed physical and economic conditions, have not been made for all of the projects not yet started. 4 Not evaluated. See footnote 3. $276,000 is non-Federal. The estimated annual evaluated benefits from the completed reservoirs total 20.9 million dollars, distributed as follows: flood control benefits, 13.1 million dollars; conser- vation and other benefits, 2.9 million dollars; power benefits, 4.6 million dollars; and navigation, $280,000. An additional 11 reservoirs, now under construc- tion, represent a total estimated cost of 241 million dollars, of which 1.4 million dollars is non-Federal. The Federal costs are allocated by the Corps of Engineers as follows: 171.5 million dollars for flood control; 59.5 million dollars for hydroelectric power; and 8.6 million dollars for low-flow regula- 656 |