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Show 496 MR. H. DRUCE ON LEPIDOPTERA KflOM [June 17, anus white ; the legs brownish white ; the antennae pale brown, yellowish at the tips. Expanse 1| inch. Hab. Amazons, Ceara (Mus. Druce). A specimen of this beautiful little insect is in the National collection from San Paulo, Brazil. IDALUS LEMBA, sp. n. Primaries : the basal half, and along the costal margin to the apex, pale brownish fawn-colour, the outer half whitish hyaline ; secondaries white. The head, thorax, and tegulee fawn-colour ; the collar and base of the tegulae white ; the abdomen above bright red, the underside of the abdomen white; the palpi, antennae, and legs brownish white. Expanse 1| inch. Hab. Amazons, Para (Mus. Druce). IDALUS LARISSA, sp. n. (Plate XLII. fig. 5.) Primaries pure hyaline white ; the costal margin from the base to the apex and from the base to the anal angle pale brown ; the inner margin from the base to about the middle white, with a small red streak nearest the base. Secondaries rose-carmine, the costal, outer, and inner margin white, the fringe white. The head, thorax, and tegulae white shaded with pink; the abdomen above bright rose-carmine, the underside and two dots at the base white ; the antennae and fore legs pale brown, the other legs all white. Expanse lT 3-j inch. Hab. Amazons, Santarem (Mus. Druce). IDALUS LAVINIA, sp. n. (Plate XLII. fig. 6.) Primaries red shaded with grey ; three V-shaped yellow marks along the costal margin, the outer margin and a round-shaped mark above the anal angle pale primrose-yellow, two yellow dots on the inner margin ; near the base a band of very distinct red spots crosses the wing about the middle, and the outer margin spotted with red; the fringe yellow. Secondaries pale reddish yellow. The head, thorax, and upperside of the abdomen red; the underside and the legs reddish yellow ; the collar and base of the tegulae bright yellow; antennae yellowish brown. Expanse ly1^ inch. Hab. British Guiana (Mus. Druce). ERCHIA, Walk. E R C H I A LATERA, sp. n. (Plate XLII. fig. 7.) Primaries black, crossed beyond the middle from the costal margin to near the anal angle by a wide semihyaline white band crossed by the black veins, the costal margin streaked from the base to near the apex with bright blue; a wide bright blue streak extends from the base to the anal angle, but not quite reaching it: secondaries black shot with bright blue. The head, thorax, and the abdomen dark blue; the underside of the abdomen white ; the antennae, palpi, aud legs black. Expanse 1| inch. Hab. Ecuador (Buckleg, Mus. Druce). A very beautiful insect, allied to E. porphyria, Cram. |