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Show 492 ON COLEOPTERA F R O M CENTRAL AIRICA. [June 1", general colour, i. e. tawny brown with the black and white less clear, to Eastern Equatorial Africa, at Zanzibar and Mombasa. NIPHONA SORDIDA, Fahraeus, Ofvers. Vet.-Ak. Fdrh. 1872, p. 35 (Hecyrida). Many examples, not differing except in the elongate black spot in the middle of the sides of the elytra being black only on its inner border, thus forming a curved line. Fahraeus places the species in the genus Hecyrida, but if our species is the same, the bidentate and fasciculate apices of the elytra and the subparallel claws show it to be a Niphona. Von Harold says that the H. appendiculata of Gerstiicker is the same species, but does not mention the position of the claws. It has a wide range. I have seen examples from Grahamstown and Caffraria and Cameroons. Gerstacker records it from Eastern Africa, at Lake Jipe. NTTPSERHA HOMEYERI, Harold. One example. Yon Harold records it from Pungo Andongo on the river Quanza. GLENEA FASCIATA, Fabr. Found also at Cameroons and Cape Coast Castle. Volumnia calabarica, Thorns., is the same or a nearly allied species. GLENEA CHEVROLATII, Murray. This species is also widely distributed along the West Coast. I have seen examples from Old Calabar, Cameroons, and the Batanga coast, and from Angola. VOLUMNIA WESTERMANNI, Thomson. A single example, agreeing with the typical form from Natal. The species occurs also in East Africa, from Bagamoyo to the interior. VOLUMNIA IEUCOMEL-^NA, n. sp. V. morosae {Pascoe) proxime affinis. Supra nigra, elytris utrinque linea obliqua a medio basi usque ad suturam, sutura deinde apicem, fascia curvata angusta mediana alteraque angustiore prope apicem, albis, fronte grisea ; thorace vitta et linea, plerumque obsoleta, dorsali cdbis; scutello antennisque nigris; corpore subtus nigro-grisescente, vitta laterali usque ad anum extensa, altera oblique pectorali ventreque medianis duabus sordide albis ; supra sat grosse punctata. articulis primo et tertio quam in V. westermanni longi-oi'ibus, tertio quam quarto fere duplo longiore, apice nocloso ; elytra prope apicem magis angustata, breviter truncato. Long. 15-18 millim. Several examples. Distinguished at once by the deep black colour of its upper surface, even in the apical area of the elytra, which is ochreous and light brown iu V. morosa. |