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Show 508 MR. H. DRUCE ON LEPIDOPTERA FROM [June 1/, ASTHENIDIA AMPH1RA, 8p. n. Primaries and secondaries pure white, with a slight primrose shade on the costal and outer margin of both the wings. Primaries crossed by two dusky black lines, the first broad, the second narrow; the marginal line black ; a short black streak at the end of the cell; the fringe white. Secondaries with two dusky black bands, the first narrow, the second broad; the fringe black; a red spot just above the tail and two black spots on the outer margin. The underside of both wings pure white. The head white, the collar yellow ; thorax and abdomen white ; the antennae dusky ; the palpi white in front, black at the sides ; the legs black, banded with white. Expanse 3^ inches. Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley, Mus. Druce). This species is allied to Asthenidia transversaria, Druce, from which it is at once distinguished by its much longer hind wings, and by the bands being almost black instead of pale brown. Fam. COSSIDJE. Cossus, Fabr. Cossus AMUNDASA, sp. n. (Plate XLII. fig. 16.) Primaries reddish pink; the base and the outer margin dark brown; the wing is thickly streaked with minute black lines. Secondaries dark brown, with a red spot close to the anal angle. The underside pale pinkish brown, thickly streaked with very fine brown lines. The head, collar, and tegulae red ; the thorax brown ; abdomen red, with a brown line down the middle, the underside brown ; legs brown ; antennae and legs reddish brown. Expanse 2 inches. Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley, Mus. Druce). A fine species, quite distinct from all known to me. Fam. HEPIALID__E. HEPIALUS, Fabr. HEPIALUS PAROPUS, sp. n. Primaries yellowish fawn-colour, thickly streaked near the apex with very minute brown lines. Secondaries reddish fawn-colour; the costal margin slightly shaded with yellow. The head, thorax, abdomen, and legs yellowish fawn-colour; antennas dark brown. Expanse If inch. Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley, Mus. Druce). This species is not allied to any other known to me. HEPIALUS MOMUS, sp. n. (Plate XLIIL fig. 3.) Primaries fawn-colour, banded along the costal margin with dark reddish-brown bands, and a large reddish-brown triangular marking below the end of the cell; a pinkishvwhite band crosses the wing at the end of the cell and becomes wider on the inner margin; a row > |