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Show 662 MR. R. CRAWSHAY ON THE [Dec. 2, as being shy and very difficult to bring to bag in the thick where they are generally found. I cannot just now recollect the Ahenga or Anyika names, and I never had an opportunity of finding out what the Anyanja and Ajawa call them ; but a Chikundafrom theKwa-kwa, who happened to be with me when two skins of these animals were brought in from Chombi, at once recognized them as those of the "Lumza" or " Lumsa " of the Achikunda about Kilimane. 12. ALCELAPHUS LICHTENSTEINI. Lichtenstein's Hartebeeste, "Ngondo " of the Anyanja and Ajawa, Front view of skull of Alcelaphus lichtensteini, 3 jr. |