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Show 482 MR. H. W. BATES ON [June 17, C. lissoderus is black and only faintly metallic. The elytral interstices in all three are impunctate. The labrum is broadly emarginated. Family PASSALID^E. DIDIMUS PUNCTIPECTUS, Kaup. Agrees with Kaup's description of the species founded on examples from Guinea. Family LUCANID.*:. METOPODONTUS SAVAGEI, Hope. A widely distributed West-Coast species. HOMODERUS MELLYI, Parry. A single female example, differing in nothing from specimens found in the Cameroons district. Family COPRID^. GYMNOPLEURTJS CERULESCENS, Olivier, var. CENTRALIS. A forma typica differt thorace disco politissimo, spatiis latioribas elytrisque versus suturam losvioribus, interstitio sparsim (nee densissime) granulate Long. 10 millim. tf . One male example, differing from numerous specimens of G. ccerulescens from Senegal with which I have compared it by the larger smooth spaces of the disk of the thorax and the finer and less densely granulated sides of the elytra, in which the third interstice is partly smooth. The clypeus is 4-dentate, with the two lateral teeth, like the genae, broad and rounded. The underside of the femora, as in the typical form, has an acute but small tooth. ANACHALCOS CUPREUS, Fabr. One example, agreeing with others from various parts of the West Coast of Africa. Family MELOLONTHID__E. PsEUDOTROCHALUS ? One much-damaged example of an apparently new species. Family RUTELID^E. ANOMALA (RHINOPLIA) ? Two examples of a species allied to A. forbesi from the Niger, but not further determinable owing to the broken condition of the tarsal claws. Family DYNASTID-E. ORYCTES BOAS, Fabr. A very widely-distributed African species. |