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Show 468 MR. H. G R O S E S M I T H O N [June 17, traversed across the disk as far as the cell by the black nervures rays between; a row of very minute bluish-white spots between the veins near the margin. Underside. Anterior wings black at the base, shading into brown towards the apex; the patch and apical spot as above but larger, especially that part of the patch which lies within the cell, where it extends upwards till it joins the small white spot ; nearer the base is another small white spot and several small white spots at the base ; on the margin from above the upper median nervule to the posterior angle is a row of small white spots, in pairs, alternately longer and shorter. Posterior wings with the base and the space between the costal margin and the upper subcostal nervule broadly bright brown, with the veins and a ray between them dark brown ; the central area and abdominal fold is white, shading into dull brown towards the anal angle, and traversed by the dark brown veins with rays of same colour between ; a series of minute spots on the margin. A few white spots on the head ; thorax and abdomen black above, brown beneath ; antennae black. Expanse of wings 4 inches. Nearest to H. dinarcha, Hew., but very distinct from that species or any of the group. 55. HYPOLIMNAS BARTELOTTI, n. sp. Male.- Upperside. Anterior wings dark brown, a sinuate rather narrow oblique white band in the cell at | of its length, an oval spot at the end of the cell with a few white scales above it; a brownish-white patch on the disk about its middle divided into three by the upper and middle median nervules, the middle part elongate ovate, the upper part subovate, smaller, the lower part linear, almost obsolete, beyond which is a row of five round spots, the uppermost and lowest the largest, but smaller than in dinarcha, Hew., the three others minute ; the cilia at the apex, and also minutely between the veins, white. Posterior wings paler brown, the nervures and rays between dark brown; the cell and the spaces above it, as far as the upper submedian nervule and slightly below it, stramineous; on the margin two minute white spots between the veins from the costal nervure down to the upper median nervule; the cilia also between those veins spotted with white. Underside. Anterior wings paler than above towards the apex and blacker towards the base and the spots larger ; above the white spot at the end of the cell are two indistinct white streaks, and between the spot across the cell and the base are four other white spots; a series of submargiual white spots between the veins, commencing beneath the upper median nervule down to the posterior angle. Posterior wings as above, the central stramineous patch being whiter and more extended, a submarginal row of minute white spots as above, but four instead of two between each vein; the cilia also spotted as above. Expanse 3| inches. Also near H. dinarcha, but wings browner and comparatively |