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Show 34 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON REPTILES, [JAN. 14, OPHIDIA. 18. PYTHON RETICULATUS, Schn. *•- 19. CYLINDROPHIS RUFUS, Laur. L 20. XENOPELTIS UNICOLOR, Reinw. M., I. 21. CALAMARIA SUMATRANA, Edeling. M., I. Three specimens of this little-known Calamaria were obtained, two by Prof. Moesch, one by Mr. Iversen. The following description is drawn up from these specimens :- Rostral a little broader than deep ; frontal longer than broad, a little shorter than the parietals, rather more than twice as broad as the supraocular ; one prse- and one postocular ; five upper labials, third and fourth entering the eye ; two pairs of chin-shields in contact with each other, the anterior in contact with the mental. Scales in 13 rows. Ventrals 168, 176, 174 ; anal entire; subcaudals 13, 12, 12. Tail pointed. Reddish brown above, with five black longitudinal lines ; each scale of the outer row with a white spot; a yellow collar on the nape, narrowly interrupted in the middle, and a similar marking at the base of the tail; lower parts uniform yellowish, with a black line along the middle of the tail. Total length 265 millim. ; tail 12. This Calamaria resembles strikingly, at a first glance, the Javan C. quadrimaculata, from which it differs in having five instead of four upper labials, and in the separation of the first pair of lower labials by the anterior chin-shields. Specimens from Kiu Kiang and Hong Kong have recently been referred l to C. quadrimaculata, but, in spite of their similar coloration, belong to a distinct species, for which I propose the name of C. septentrionalis. C. septentrionalis differs from C. quadrimaculata in the frontal being as broad as long and in the tail being rounded at the end. 22. PSEUDORHABDION LONGICEPS, Cant. M. 23. LYCODON SUBCINCTUS, Boie. M., I. I suspect Elapoides annulatus, Sauvage (1884), to be founded a young specimen of this species. 24. LYCODON EFFRENIS, Cant. M. 25. ABLABES BALIODIRUS, Boie. M. 26. ABLABES TRICOLOR, Schleg. ]\r# 27. SIMOTES PURPTJRASCENS, Schleg. M. I. = S. trinotatus, D. B., S. tabuanensis, Gthr., S. catenifer, Stol., S. dennysi, Blanf., S. affinis, Fisch. Otherwise identical specimens, from the same locality, have either 19 or 21 rows of scales. 1 Giinther, Ann. & Mag. N. H. (6) i. 1888, p. 165. |