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Show 478 ON RHYNCHOTA FROM CENTRAL AFRICA. [Julie 17, Fam. COREID-E. 35. PLECTROCNEMIA CRUCIATA. Mictis cruciata, Dall. List Hem. ii. p. 396. 31 (1852). 36. MlCTlS METALLICA. Mictis metallica, Sign. Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1851, p. 447. 14. 37. ANOPLOCNEMIS CURVIPES. Cimex curvipes, Fabr. Spec. Ins. ii. p. 351. 78 (1/81). 38. HOMOXOCERUS PALLENS. Cimex pallens, Fabr. Spec. Ins. ii. p. 363. 149 (1781). Fam. REDUVIID-E. Subfam. REDUVIIN^E. 39. PHONOCTONUS PICTURATUS. Phonoctonus picturatus, Fairm. in Thorns. Arch. ii. p. 318. 616 (1858). 40. REDUVIUS NITIDULUS. Reduvius nitidulus, Fabr. Spec. Ins. ii. p. 378. 5 (1781). 41. REDUVIUS YAMBUY*, n. sp. Head, pronotum, and scutellum ochraceous ; postocular portion of the head black ; corium black, mottled with ochraceous pilosity ; membrane brassy black, its apex very pale fuscous. Body beneath black; head beneath, rostrum, prostemum, and legs ochraceous ; apex of rostrum, femora (excluding apical third), and the tarsi black. Postocular portion of the head a little longer than the ante-ocular portion ; first joint of the rostrum a little longer than the second joint; anterior lobe of the pronotum longitudinally sulcated and moderately tuberculate. Long. 22 millim. Subfam. ECTRICHODIIN_E. 42. PHYSORHYNCHUS LUCIDUS. Reduvius lucidus, St.-Farg. et Serv. Enc. Meth. x. p. 2/9. 28 (1825). 43. CENTRASPIS IMPERIALIS, var. BICOLOR. Ectrichodia imperialis, Westw. Trans. Ent. Soc. (2) iv. p. 119. t. 7. f. 2 (1845). Centraspis imperialis, var. bicolor, Dist. Ent. Mo. Mag. vol. p. 208 (1877). 44. SANTOSIA LUTEOLA, n. sp. Body above pale luteous ; pronotum with two broad longitudinal black fasciae arched and meeting together anteriorly ; scutellum |