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Show 1890.] NEW M O T H S F R O M INDIA. 399 34. BIZONE DIVAKARA. Barsine divakara, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 798, t. 43. fig. 9. This is a large species which is common at Darjeeling, and is distinct from all others. The fold in this case is short and less conspicuous, but appears to be formed somewhat in the same way as that of B. puella. 35. BIZONE RUBRIFASCIATA, Druce, Waterh. Aid, t. 172. fig. 1. Bizone rubrifasciata is a splendid and very distinct species from Celebes, with dark slaty hind wings. The type is in Mr. Druce's collection, and there are two females from North Celebes in Dr. Staudinger's. 36. BIZONE SAALMULLERI, Butl. Cist. Ent. iii. p. 3. From Madagascar. Type in British Museum. 37. BIZONE DELICATA, Walk. Cat. ii. p. 550. From Sierra Leone. Type in British Museum. 38. BIZONE AMATURA, Walk. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 16. From Madagascar. Type in British Museum. Doubtful Species. LITHOSIA ALBOROSEA, Walk. Cat. xxxi. p. 230. Bizone alborosea, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1877, p. 339. The type is a female, and so much worn that it cannot be recognized." Butler gave no reason for putting it into this genus. BIZONE GAZELLA, Moore, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 572, t. 33. fig. 4, d*. A distinct species, but it cannot be included in the genus on account of the antennae of the male being distinctly pectinate, as shown in the plate. I have not seen this sex however, but only a female from Sikkim in Atkinson's collection. It must be very rare there. The types were from Masuri. BIZONE QUADRINOTATA, Walk. Char. Undescr. Het. p. 90, 6" (1869). Described from Benares. The type is in the Devon and Exeter Museum, and for the present must remain obscure, though from the description I expect it will prove to be either B.pallens or B.puella. BIZONE ALBA, Moore, P. Z.S. 1878, p. 28. A single specimen in Mr. Moore's collection from N. China (? Shanghai), in bad condition and of uncertain sex, is all I know of this species. It is white, without bands, and with a single discal spot. NOTODONTA(?) GIGANTEA. I am quite unable to say with any certainty what this remarkable insect is, having seen nothing like it in any collection, except |