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Show 86 MR. P. L. SCLATER ON A [Feb. 18, PLATE IX. Liocephalus bolivianus (p. 82), with upper view of head. PLATE X. Fig. 1. Echinosaura horrida, p. 83. 2. Ptychoglossus bilineatus, p. 84. o. Side view of head, X 2. b. Lower view of head and breast, X 2. c. Posterior ventral and anal regions, X 2. d. Tongue, X 2. PLATE XI. Fig. 1. Chamcesaura didactyla, p. 82. 1 a. , hind limb, X 3. 2. cenea, hind limb, X 3. 3. anguina, hind limb, X 3. 4. Lygosoma anomalopus, p. 84. 5. Scincus albofasciatus, p. 85. 2. On a Guinea-fowl from the Zambesi allied to Numida cristata. By P. L. SCLATER, Ph.D., F.R.S., Secretary to the Society. [Eeceived January 30, 1890.] (Plate XII.) On January 4th last year we received, as a present from Mr. Percy C. Reid, a living Guinea-fowl, which I was unable to determine. It was obviously a member of the group allied to Numida cristata, and had a bunchy crest as other members of that section, but appeared to be different from N. cristata in having the mentum slightly feathered and no red wattle or red naked skin on the throat. Upon referring to Mr. Reid 1 was kindly informed by that gentleman that this Guinea-fowl was the survivor of three specimens which he had obtained at Pandamatanga, a trading-station on the Zambesi close to its junction with the Chobe. Tbis species was, however, stated not to be indigenous to the country round Pandamatanga, but the specimens in question had been brought there from a district some sixty miles east, that is to the east of the Victoria Falls. Mr. Reid was inclined to refer the species to Numida pucherani, and it is no doubt the Guinea-fowl indicated under that name in Sharpe's edition of Layard's ' Birds of South Africa' (p. 586) as found near the Victoria Falls. But it is certainly not the true Numida pucherani, which is a very well marked species without any black ring round the neck, and with a bright red naked skin round the eyes and on the throat, found in Eastern Africa on the Zanzibar coast'. The specimen presented by Mr. Reid having died in September 1 Cf. Shelley, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 597, and the figure P. Z. S. 1877, p. 652, where this species iscalled Numida ellioti. Numida granti, Elliot (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 584; id. Mon. Phas. ii. pi. 43), was founded on a drawing by Col. Grant of a specimen obtained in Ugogo, and is probably the same species. |