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Show 1890.] ON T H E STRUCTURE OF PSOPHIA. 329 2. On the Structure of Psophia and on its Relations to other Birds. By F R A N K E. BEDDARD, M.A., kc, Prosector to the Society. [Eeceived March 26, 1890.] So far as I am aware there has been no paper especially devoted to the general anatomy of Psophia ever published, although manyjof the facts in its structure have been described incidentally in other papers. The following observations refer to the principal osteo-logical and some other characters, of which a few are mentioned here for the first time. The principal account of its skeleton is to be found in Burmeister's work upon Cariama 1, and in Parker's memoir of the osteology of Rhinochetus 2. The skeleton and some of the separate bones (pelvis, sternum, &c.) are figured and described in Ey ton's ' Osteologia Avium'; the skeleton of Ps. crepitans is also figured by Meyer in his ' Abbild-ungen Vbgel-Skelet.' pi. lxxvi. I have had the opportunity of studying both Psophia crepitans and Psophia leucoptera. It may not therefore be out of place to point out some of the differences which appear to distinguish these two species from each other. The difference in the proportions of the two lobes of the liver is remarkable ; I have a M S . note in the handwriting of Prof. Garrod which shows that Psophia viridis, a species which I have not myself examined, agrees in this particular with Ps. leucoptera. With regard to specific differences the following table shows all that I have been able to ascertain :- Psophia leucoptera... Psophia crepitans ... Skull. Palatine bones with longer inner lamina; space between postfrontal and zygomatic process wide. Palatine bones with very short inner lamina ; space between postfrontal and zygomatic process narrow. Liver-lobes. L<E L>E Vertebral column. Vertebrae Nos. 19-22 fused, followed by three free vertebras. Vertebra. Nos. 19-22 fused, followed by two free vertebra;. Ribs. 1 pair cerv. ribs; 8 attached to sternum (of these 2-6 with uncinate processes) ; 1 pair of lumbar ribs. 1 pair cerv. ribs; 8 attached to sternum (of these 2-7 with uncinate processes) ; a tiny rudiment of a 10th rib. 1 " Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte des Seriema," Abhandl. nat. Ges. Halle, Bd. i.p. 11 (1853). 2 " O n the Osteology of the Kagu (Rhinochetus jubatus)," Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. vi. p. 501 (1886). |