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Show 1890.] BATRACHIANS, ETC, FROM SUMATRA. 33 Platurus laticaudatus, L. (fischeri, Jan), and Trimeresurus grami-neus, Shaw. There is possibly identity between the author's Cory-phodon korros, Leptognathus Icevis, Dipsas drapiezii, Bothrops erythrurus, B. hageni, and my Zaocys carinatus, Amblycephalus carinatus, Dipsas cynodon, and Trimeresurus formosus.~\ REPTILIA. EMYDOSAURIA. 1. CROCODILUS POROSUS, Schn. I. CHELONIA. 2. TRIONYX PHAYRII, Theob. I. The occurrence of this Trionyx in Sumatra is of very great interest. The skull, type of Gray's T.jeudi, supposed to be from Java (?), may be also from Sumatra. The halfgrown specimen from Deli agrees in every respect with the Burmese specimens in the British Museum. 3. TRIONYX CARTILAGINEUS, Bodd. I. A young specimen from Langkat agrees in colour with Theobald's T. ephippium. 4. GEOEMYDA SPINOSA, Gray. I. 5. CYCLEMYS AMBOINENSIS, Daud. I. LACERTILIA. 6. HEMIDACTYLUS FRENATUS, D. & B. I. 7. GEHYRA MUTILATA, Wgm. I. 8. DRACO VOLANS, L. I. 9. DRACO FIMBRIATUS, Kuhl. I. 10. CALOTES CRISTATELLUS, Kuhl. M., I. 11. GONYOCEPHALUS GRANDIS, Gray. I. 12. VARANUS DUMERILII, Schleg. I. 13. VARANUS SALVATOR, Laur. I. 14. MABUIA RUGIFERA, Stol. M. Two specimens, with 28 scales round the body, and five light dorsal lines. In the larger specimen, the prsefrontals form a short suture with each other, and the frontal is in contact with the second supraocular only. 15. MABUIA MULTIFASCIATA, Kuhl. M., I. 16. LYGOSOMA OLIVACEUM, Gray. M., I. 17. LYGOSOMA TEMMINCKII, D. & B. M. PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1899, No. III. 3 |