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Show 1890.] BUTTERFLIES FROM CENTRAL AFRICA. 465 Underside. On the anterior wings the black bar at the end of the cell is broader than on the upperside, little attenuated in the middle, the lower part being developed into a large round spot. Posterior wings with very broad black veins, connected on the margin by rather broad black lines; the spots in the submarginal row are seven in number, larger and more quadrate than on the upperside, and touch the black veins on either side at the opposite angles of each spot. Female.-Upperside. Wings greyish brown, the inner two thirds shading into greyish white tinged with pale yellow; on anterior wings is a greyish-brown broad oblique bar, and on posterior wings a distinct greyish-brown spot, each situate at the end of the cell. Underside. Anterior wings as above, with pale yellow streaks at the apex between the subcostal and discoidal nervules, and indistinct greyish-white patches between the median nervules and submediau nervure near the outer margin. Posterior wings dusky white in the middle, shading into pale dusky yellow at the base and outer margin, where beyond the submarginal row of spots it is divided by the broadly greyish-black nervules into rather brighter yellow lunules ; the submarginal row of spots is indistinct and confluent with the greyish-black nervules, and there is a distinct spot at the end of the cell. Expanse of wings, male 2^, female 1-| inches. 17. MYLOTHRIS POPP_EA, Cram. 18. TERIAS OKIENTIS, Butl. 19. TERIAS BRENDA, Doubl. 20. ERONIA ARGIA, Fabr. 21. ERONIA THALASSINA, Boisd. 22. CATOPSILIA PYRENE, Swainson. ACR-S.IN._E. 23. ACR--EA ITURINA, 11. Sp. Male.- Upperside. Both wings vitreous, with dusky brown veins; anterior wings with costal margin, apex, outer margin, and veins dusted with greyish-brown scales, basal third densely dusted with bright rufous scales, black at the base, a cluster of black confluent spots at the upperside of the cell about its middle. Posterior wings with the inner two thirds bright rufous, paler on the inner margin above the anal angle ; the rufous space does not extend to the costal margin or beyond two thirds of the central area, except towards the anal angle, where it approaches nearer to the outer margin ; at the base is a cluster and beyond the cell a row of seven black spots, the fourth being out of line and nearer the outer margin; between the basal cluster and this row are two spots, one above the subcostal nervure, the other on the inner margin. |