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Show 1890.] CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. 517 with very pale fawn-colour. The head, thorax, and abdomen pale fawn-colour ; the base of the abdomen whitish; the antennae and legs pale brown. Expanse 1 inch. Hab. Mexico, Tierra Colorada, in Guerrero, 2000 feet (H. H. Smith). One specimen of this beautiful little insect was captured by Mr. Smith iu October 1888 ; it seems to be allied to the European T. rosea. THALPOCHARES LAGORE, sp. n. Primaries : the basal half dark brown, the outer half pale purplish brown, a narrow yellow line crosses the wing about the middle from the costal to the inner margin ; a black dot at the apex edged with yellow on the upperside, and three minute yellow streaks on the costal margin near the apex; the marginal line yellow, with very minute black dots on the outer edge; the fringe brown. Secondaries uniformly dark brown. The head and front of the thorax yellowish brown; the thorax and abdomen dark brown. Antennae and legs brown. Expanse f inch. Hab. Mexico, Teapa, Tabasco (H. H. Smith) ; Panama, Chiriqui (Ribbe, Mus. Staudinger). A small dull-coloured species allied to T. hippotes, Druce. Mr. Smith captured this insect in January and March 1888. Fam. ANTHOPHILID-3E. XANTHOPTERA LAPHYRA, sp. n. Primaries yellowish brown, with a pinkish tinge from the base to the middle, and crossed from the costal to the inner margin by five very indistinct pale brown lines; the costal margin, from the base to near the apex, bordered with primrose-yellow ; the fringe yellowish brown. Secondaries yellowish white, darkest round the outer margin ; the fringe whitish brown. The underside of the wings pinkish white. The head and front of the thorax primrose-yellow; the thorax and abdomen yellowish brown; antennae and legs pale brown. Expanse f inch. Hab. Mexico, Atoyac, Vera Cruz (H. H. Smith) ; Panama, Chiriqui (Ribbe, Mus. Staudinger). Mr. Smith captured this species in April 1888. It is possible that this insect may prove the same as Xanthoptera alboflava, Walker, from Honduras: but it does not agree with his description and I have not seen the type. Fam. ERIOPID-2E. CALLOPISTRIA AGYRA, sp. n. Primaries dark brown, with very fine yellowish-white lines along the costal margin and crossing the wing to about the middle; a black elongated spot close to the base, and several indistinct brown spots near the apex ; a white spot at the end of tbe ceU, PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1890, No. XXXV. 35 |