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Show 1890.] SOME BRITISH PLEURONECTID-E. 43 third of the length of the head. Vomerine teeth none. Vertical fins rather high, the dorsal fin commencing in front of the upper eye and terminating close to the caudal. Of the three anterior rays, especially the second is elongate, being two thirds as long as the head and broadly fringed ; caudal fin somewhat shorter than the head, and about equal in length to the pectoral fin. Lateral line with a semicircular curve above the pectoral fin ; scales of moderate size, minutely ciliated on the edge. Ground-colour brownish grey, marbled with black ; some of the rays of the dorsal and anal fins partially black ; the other fin-rays finely dotted with black. The largest specimen is 6 inches long and in an excellent state of perservation. It was obtained by the Rev. W . S. Green in the Kenmare River, depth 10 fathoms. 2. On the Occurrence of Rhombus boscii in British Seas. Rhombus boscii (Risso) is another species new to the British fauna; specimens were discovered by the Rev. W . S. Green in 150 and 315 fathoms off the S.W. coast of Ireland'. As this fish possesses vomerine teeth, it has to be removed from the genus Arnoglossus, to which I had referred it before having seen specimens 2. In fact, it comes near to Rhombus megastoma, with which it was confounded by Mr. Day3. 3. On the Nomenclature of the Lemon Sole. I proposed for the Lemon Sole of the North Atlantic the name of Solea aurantiaca, believing that I had recognized Risso's Solea lascaris in a Sole from Madeira which has the body considerably narrower and more elongate. Risso's description applies equally well to both species, and I had no other reason for retaining the name given by him for the Madeira fish than its southern origin : it seemed to be more probable that the Mediterranean fish was identical with the one from Madeira than with that of the North Atlantic. However, the British Museum has now obtained a specimen from Nice which is evidently identical with our Lemon Sole, and gives sufficient ground for applying the name of Solea lascaris to the latter, and not to the Madeira fish, which is clearly a distinct species. Therefore the synonymy of the two fishes will stand as follows:- SOLEA LASCARIS. Pleuronectes lascaris, Risso, Ichth. Nice, p. 311. Solea lascaris, Risso, Eur. merid. iii. p. 249; Day, Fish. Great Brit. ii. p. 42. Solea pegusa, Yarrell, Brit. Fish. 2nd ed. (nee Lacep.). Solea nasuta, Richardson, in Yarrell, Brit. Fish. 3rd ed. (nee Pall.). Solea aurantiaca, Giinth. Fish. iv. p. 467. Lemon Sole. North-Eastern Atlantic; Mediterranean. 1 Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1889, iv. p. 418. • Fish. Great Brit. ii.p. 21. 2 Cat. Fish. iv. p, 416. |