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Show 190 MR. H. W . R A T E S O N [June 17, C. bella of the Guinea coast. Another equally distinct form is found at Cameroons and Cape Coast Castle \ CEROPLESIS CALABARICA, Chevrdlat. Specimens agreeing with others I have seen from the Gaboon and Cameroons. CEROPLESIS 5-FASCIATA, Fabr. One example, differing only in the slightly broader red fasciae from others received from Mozambique and Natal. EURYSOPS ESATJ, Chevrolat. This fine species appears not to be uncommon at Cameroons and Old Calabar. It is also recorded from Sierra Leone. PHRYNETA AUPOCINCTA, Guerin. A single example, differing scarcely in any respect from others received from Sierra Leone and Senegal, PHRYNETA MACULARIS, Harold. Described by Harold from examples taken by Pogge in the Upper Congo region. Mr. Ronny's specimens have apparently lighter-coloured antennae (Harold says " braunlich gelb ") ; they are tawny yellow, with scape dark brown. The elytra are clothed with long erect black hairs (like P. nigropilosa, Auriv.), the non-mention of which in Harold's description would lead me to doubt the identity of the species, if it were not for the exact agreement in other respects and the probability that the hairs are liable to abrasion. PHRYNETA SPINATOR, Fabr. The specimens belong to the variety (Ph. obscura, Oliv.?) ip which the elytra are qf a uniform, dull ashy-brown above with the black spots less distinct, The same variety occurs on the Guinea coast and in Senegal. PACHYSTOLA MIMICA, n. sp, Phrynetae maculari (Har.) simillima, sed differt characteribus genericis, viz. tibiis intermediis extus fortiter sinuatis, fronte antennas latiore, tuberibus antenniferis valde obliquis, thoraceque convexo simplici. Suhcylindrica, ccerideo-gri$ea, nigro-piperita, elytris fascia lata subobliquapost medium iiigro-velutina ; anten- 1 CHAIUESTHES L-ETISS1MA, n. sp. Major quam 0. bella, supra (subtm-que lateribus) late viridis,farinosa, thorace vitiis anyustisbfvscis; elytris utrinque fascia obliqua ab humeroad suturam altcraque transversa post medium ad latcra bifytrcata marginemque attingente, rufo-fulvis sericeis, gut fa submarginali nigra unica ante medium, una di.scoidali antcnudiana duabusque in area viridi apicali, margine fusco prope apicem paulto dilatato ; antennis, pedibus corporeque subtus (lateribus exceptis) julvo-testaceis. Long. 11 millim, Cameroons and Cape Coast Castle. Three examples. |