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Show 484 MR. H. W. BATES ON [June 17, The mcsostcrnal process is conical and obliquely inclined as in P. impressa, but it is not so large as in that species. DlPLOGNATHA GAGATES, Fabr. MACROMA CONGOENSIS, n. sp. M. sulcicolli (Schaum) simillima; differt, inter alia thoracis vitta marginali antice dilatata maculamque nigram includente. Long. 17 millim. Shining black, legs and middle of the abdomen pitchy red; forehead with a large triangular bright yellow spot, the base of which is in front (leaving the clypeus black) and the apex prolonged to the crown. The lateral marginal vitta is very broad in front and tapers rapidly towards the hind angles ; the central yellow vitta is very narrow; the scutellum has in the middle a triangular spot variable in size, and the spot on the pygidium is broad and strongly tridentate behind. On each side of the disk of the thorax there is a large strongly-punctured area, and similar punctures are seen in the dorsal depression, which does not, as in M. sulcicollis according to Schaum's description, extend to the fore margin. The elytra are strongly but not closely punctured, the punctures gradually changing to transverse scratches near the sides and apex. Underneath, the episterna, the metasternum, the anterior coxa., and sides of _the abdominal segments and posterior coxa, have each a large bright yellow spot. Family PRIONID^;. SOBARUS POG-.ET, Harold, Col. Hefte, xvi. p. 165, tab. 2. fig. 2 ( rf). Both Mr. Bonny and Mr. Jameson obtained examples of this fine species on the Aruwimi, where it appears to be not uncommon. It is interesting as belonging to a group (Pcecilosomince) the chief members of which belong to Tropical America. Pogge obtained the male only ; the female differs in the much shorter antennae, only two thirds the length of the body, the apical joints of which are shortened and thickened, and in the smaller and narrower hexagonal thorax with more prominent lateral spines. 2 . Elongato-oblongus, convexus, nigro-velutinus, supra capite elgtrisque fasciis tribus roseo-rufis, fascia prima (angusta, fascia tertia (apiccdi) utrinque prope apicem nigromaculata ; abdomine metasternoque medio fulvo-testaceis. Antennae paullo ultra medium elytrorum extensce ; articulis granulatis, 3° et 4° haud latioribus, 9°-llm abbreviatis et incrassatis. Thorax elytris multo angustior, hexagonus, margine laterali acuto denticulato, spina mediana valida acuta. Long. 23-32 millim. Family CERAMBYCID^. PLOCOZDERUS ? A much-damaged example of a species allied to P. denticorms, F. |