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Show 418 MR. A. D. MICHAEL ON [June 3, List of Species (continued). Name. Places of capture, &c. Hermannia arrecta, Nicolet. B. Forest of Ain Beida. Eremaus fimbriates, n. sp. Algiers. Nothrus sylvestris, Nicolet. B. Cedar-forest of Teniet-el-Ahd. The specimens are rather smaller than the British, and have the hairs on the hind margin shorter and more spatulate. „ anauniensis, Canestrini. Hammam R'hira. Is tridactyle, not didactyle. Query, if identical. doderleinii, Berlese. Algiers, Blidah, &c, common. „ scaliger, Koch; theleproctus, Blidah. Berlese. „ spiniqer, Koch. B. Algiers. horridus, Hermann. B. Cedar-forest of Teniet-el-Ahd. Hoplophora dasypus, Duges. B. Algiers. carinata, Koch. Algiers, Blidah, H a m m a m Rhira; common. Zetorchestes micronychus, Berlese. Forest of Ain Beida, common. HOPLOPID^E. Caculus spatulifer, n. sp. Forest of Ain Beida. One specimen. NOTASPIS BT.RROwsii, n. sp. (Plate XXXVII. figs. 1-4.) Average length about *75 millim. Average extreme breadth about "50 millim. Average length of legs, first three pairs about '35 millim. „ „ fourth pair about -58 millim. A somewhat large and handsome species. Colour darkish yellow-brown. Texture smooth. Cephalothorax.-Anterior half conical, posterior half suddenly widening, and its lateral parts forming conspicuous platforms for the support of the two anterior pairs of legs. Without markings. Rostrum round-pointed; rostral hairs long : palpi visible from the dorsal aspect. Pseudostigmata nearly at the base of the cephalothorax, but not at all hidden by the abdomen or lamellae; pseudo-stigmatic organs shortish, with thin peduncles and small, almost globular, heads. Lamellce very short, not much above a third of the length of the cephalothorax, of about even width throughout; mxtch nearer together anteriorly than posteriorly ; provided with small cusps and joined by a translamella which is little more than a mere line. Interlamellar hairs large and stiff, very near the lamellae. Lamellar hairs long, stiff, and near together. Apodemata not joined to the sternum. Tectopedia large for the genus. Legs of the type usual in the genus, with stout hairs on almost all the joints, the first three pairs of about equal lengths. Claws tridactyle, hetcrodactyle. Abdomen almost, but not quite, round; it has a few small, circular, clear spots near the hind margin, only seen in preparations. There are four longitudinal rows of thick hairs, and three pairs of |