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Show 280 MR. E. A. SMITH ON THE [Apr. 1, EULIMA (SUBULARIA) FUSCOPUNCTATA. (Plate XXI. fig. 18.) Testa minuta, subulata, pellucida, punctis fuscis irregulariter notata, nitida; spira acuminata, apice mediocriter acuto, con-voluto; anfractus 9, tres apicales convexi, cceteri subplani, elongati, sutura obliqua sejuncti; apertura elongata, ovata, superne anguste acuminata, longit. totius | paulo superans ; columella obliqua, leviter incrassata et refiexa. Longit. 2f millim., diam. | ; apertura | longa, ^ lata. This minute shining little species is remarkable for the minute brownish scattered dots, which do not appear to be arranged in regular series. AMAURELLA CANALICULATA. (Plate XXIII. fig. 27.) Testa parva, tenuis, hyalina, umbilicata, ovato-turrita; anfr. 7, convexi, ad suturam profunde canaliculati, Iceves ; apertura ovata, paulo obliqua, longit. totius ^ cequans; peristoma tenue, margine columellari leviter dilatato, inferneque subeffuso. Longit. 3 millim., diam. If. This remarkable shell has the first three or four whorls narrow in proportion to the others, so that the spire has a suddenly contracted appearance towards tbe top. The umbilicated base, smooth surface, and channelled suture well distinguish this species. In describing the genus Amaurella, Adams states incorrectly that it is "imperforata" for the typical species A. japonica is distinctly perforate, although more narrowly than that now described. CIONISCUS UNICUS (Montagu). Hab. British Islands, west coasts of France, and some parts of the Mediterranean. The three specimens of this beautiful shell from St. Helena have tbe whorls the least trifle shorter than British specimens with which they have been compared, but agree in all other respects. ACLIS ANGULATA. (Plate XXIII. fig. 28.) Testa minuta, elongata, turrita, alba; anfr. 6, primi duo magni, convexi, Iceves, cceteri superne oblique declives, in medio acute carinato-angulati, infra angulum contracti, lineis incrementi conspicuis, elevatis, confertissimis, regularibus, sculpti; ultimus ad peripheriam obtusissime rotunde angulatus; apertura obliqua, irregulariter ovata ; peristoma continuum, haud incrassatum, supra angulum, prope suturam, leviter sinuatum. Longit. 2 millim., diam. |. This little species is remarkable for its angular whorls, the regular close-set raised lines of growth, and large apex. ACLIS SIMILLIMA. (Plate XXIII. fig. 29.) Testa minuta, gracilis, alba, nitida, pellucida; anfractus normales convexiusculi, sutura obliqua profunde sejuncti; nucleus magnus, convolutus, elevatus; apertura lata, inverse subauriformis |