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Show 1890.J OF THE FAMILY BUTHID.E. 127 since this species is also the type of Leiurus it follows that Leiurus, the subgenus, must give place to Androctonus. But europceus, the type of Buthus, is recognized as synonymous with tunetanus, and Buthus antedates Androctonus by 14 years: therefore Androctonus must be a synonym of Buthus. Prionurus can then be used to include those powerful-tailed species of which australis is the type -that is, in the sense in which Ehrenberg presumably meant it to be used, and in the sense in which Peters himself employed it. Synopsis of the Buthidse. a. The inferior border of the immovable digit of the chelicera; unarmed. a'. The lateral-internal series of denticles on the digits of the chelae composed of transversely set pairs of teeth UROPLECTES, Peters. Type U. ornatus, Peters. b1. The lateral-internal series of denticles on the digits of the chela; composed of a row of teeth widely separated and set singly LEPREUS, Thor. Type L.pilosus, Thor. b. The inferior border of the immovable digit of the cheliceraa armed with one tooth. a2. The intervals between the main teeth of the lateral series on the digits of the chela; not occupied by smaller teeth. a3. Ante-ocular portion of cephalothorax horizontal, with lightly emarginate anterior border. -.4. With a spine or tubercle beneath the aculeus ; fifth caudal segment not coarsely punctured, and normally keeled beneath ISOMETRUS (Ehrb.), Thorell. Type maculatus (De Geer). fr1. Without a spine or tubercle beneath the aculeus; fifth caudal segment not keeled beneath and adorned with large punctures ISOMETROIDES, Keys. Type I. vescus (Karsch). fr3. Ante-ocular portion of cephalothorax sloped forwards, with its anterior margin convex ; tail very powerful BUTHEOLUS, Simon. Type B. thalassinus, Simon. fr*. The intervals between the main teeth of the lateral series on the digits of the chela.1 occupied by a single row of smaller teeth ; the rest as in lsometrus CENTRURUS (Ehrb.), Peters. Type C. gracilis (Latr.). c. The inferior border of the immovable digit of the chelicera; armed with two teeth BUTHUS, Leach. Type B. europceus (Linn.). c1. Tergites with a single median longitudinal keel; cephalothorax without distinct keels. c2. All the pectinal teeth alike in both sexes ; tail moderate or powerful ; the segments moderately strongly keeled ; a distinct spine beneath the aculeus Subgenus EIIOPTRURUS, Karsch. Type B. dentatus, Karsch. d'-. The basal pectinal tooth dilated in the female; tail moderate, not strongly keeled; 10* |