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Show 192 ^Hiking Glub Founded 1922 Purpose: To foster Hiking OFFICERS Frank M. Crosby, President, St. George, Senior Eunice Shipp, Vice-President, Salt Lake City, Junior Minerva Jennings, Treasurer, Salt Lake City, Junior Aileen Taylor, Secretary, Salt Lake City, Senior Allen Astin, Business Manager, Salt Lake City, Senior Blanche E. Mawson, Asst. Business Manager, Salt Lake City, Senior SCHEDULE OF HIKES 1924-25 Oct. 26-Pittsburg Lake up American Fork Canyon Nov. 9-Mill Creek Canyon and Pharaoh's Glen Nov. 28-30- Brighton and Mt. Majestic (Peak) Christmas Holidays-3 days at Pinecrest Inn Winter Quarter Jan. 25-Little Black Mountain (Peak) Feb. 21-22-Maxfield Lodge Mar. 22-Bingham and Middle Canyon Spring Quarter May 3-Lake Blanche May 17-Mount Olympus (Peak) THE GREAT OUTDOORS Does it appeal to you? Are you tempted by the suggestion of a short, invigorating jaunt to some wild unexplored place? Or a week end outing at some popular canyon resort? Or the cherry and warmth giving blaze of log fire in an old fashioned mountain cabin during the long winter nights? Or skiing and tobogganing down steep mountain slopes? Or looking over vast expanses of territory from the thrilling heights of some of the majestic peaks of the Wasatch Mountains? Or of being where the rare beauty of quiet lakes, unique rock formations and wild uncultivated foliage are in abundance? Or of having the intimate companionship of jovial, clean cut sports? These opportunities along with numerous unmentioned ones are offered you by the University of Utah Hiking Club Page Three Hundred Eleven 3Ottl;-A |