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Show 608 MR. R. B. SHARPE ON THE BIRDS OF CAMEROONS. [Jlllie 20, tipped with white, forming a double alar band; primary coverts blackish brown, not spotted ; quills rather paler brown, white at the base of the inner web ; the outer web of the primaries golden brown, of the secondaries olive-brown; tail dark brown, slightly inclining to reddish and tinged with golden brown; under surface of the body rich orange ; the chin blackish ; centre of the breast, abdomen, and under tail-coverts pure white; under wing-coverts white, the bases of the wings blackish ; bill black ; feet pale yellowish. Total length 8*5 inches, culmen 09, wing 3, tail 2*9, tarsus 1*2. This new species is very closely allied to Turdus gurneyi, Hartl. (Ibis, 1864, pl. ix.), from Natal, but is at once distinguished by its black cheeks, lores, and chin, as well as by its orange collar round the neck. 23. CRINIGER CALURUS. Criniger calurus, Cass. ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 21. "Cameroons Mountains, January 19th, 1871." "Cameroons Mountains, February 7th, 1871. Eye-ring reddish brown ; eyeball black." Both the above specimens agree with typical Gaboon examples in my collection. In Fantee and to the north this species is replaced by C. verreauxi, which is the name I proposed in my catalogue for the C. gularis (Sw. nee Horsf.) = C. tephrogenys, Jard. apud Finsch, J. f. O. 1867, p. 26, et Sharpe, Ibis, p. 4/2 (nee Jard. & Selby, Contr. to Orn. pl. 127). Shortly after writing my last paper on the Ornithology of Fantee (/. c.) 1 sent a specimen of the African Criniger gularis to Sir William Jardine, asking him to compare it with the type of his C. tephrogenys, and to see if the two birds were identical. In due time I received a letter from him, assuring me that they were perfectly distinct (as, indeed, any one would have imagined from the descriptions) and detailing the differences. I therefore proposed the name of C. verreauxii for the African bird. 24. CRINIGER TRICOLOR. Criniger tricolor (Cass.); Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 21. "Cameroons Mountains, January 1st, 1871." Agrees exactly with specimens from Gaboon. 25. CRINIGER CHLORONOTUS. Criniger chloronotus, Cass. ; Finsch, Journ. f. Orn. 1867, p. 24. "Cameroons Mountains, February 25th, 1871." Two specimens, agreeing exactly with a typical specimen in my collection from Gaboon obtained by Du Chaillu. 26. CRINIGER NIVOSUS. Criniger nivosus, Temm. ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 22. "Cameroons Mountains, February 1st and 9th. Eye-riii-**- brown ; eyeball black." The two specimens sent by Mr. Crossley agree best with Fantee |