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Show 30 MESSRS. HARTLAUB AND FINSCH [Jan. 3, This typical Aplonis is so distinct in coloration and size that it can hardly be confounded with any other species. W e need not, therefore, give any comparison. 3. PTILINOPUS RAROTONGENSIS, sp. nov. Supra psittacino-viridis; pileo intense violascenti-roseo, stride flavo circumdato, fronte pallide fuscescente; scapularibus et alarum tectricibus saturate viridibus, marginibus externis dilute flavis; remigibus nigris, late viridi marginatis; subalaribus cinereo et fiavido variis; rectricibus duabus mediis viridibus, reliquis pogonio externo viridibus, interno griseo-nigricantibus, omnibus apice late canescente, fiavido limbato; gula sordide albida, colli lateribus, pectore superiore colloque postico dilute ccerulescenti-cinereis, hinc inde virescenti-flavido variis, pectore inferiore abdominequeflavis, lateribus cinerascente adumbratis ; macula indefinita epigastrii media vinaceo-purpurea ; subcaudalibus fiavis ; rostro et pedibus plumbeis, illo apice pallido ; iride fiava. Long, circa 8±", rostr. a fr. 5!'", al. 5", caud. 3" 2'", tars. II'". Adult. Front and vertex purplish violet red, surrounded by a narrow indistinct line of yellow; occiput, sides of head, neck, crop, and upper part of breast delicate grey, the feathers of the latter bifurcated and with a pale yellow cross band; chin and middle of throat white, washed with pale yellow ; breast and remainder of underparts yellow, purer on the vent and under tail-coverts, paler on the anal region; the sides washed with pale greyish green, the same as the feathered tarsus; on the middle of the lower portion of the breast a large spot of dark purplish red ; back and upper parts vivid grass-green ; primaries and their coverts on the outer web and end brilliant dark green, with a very narrow but distinct white margin, the inner web black ; secondaries also dark green, but with a somewhat broader yellow margin along the outer web; coverts of the secondaries dark green, narrowly margined externally and at the end with yellow; larger shoulder-coverts brilliant dark green, broadly margined at the end with grass-green ; wing beneath ashy grey ; under wing-coverts delicate grey like the neck ; tail dark green with a broad greyish-white end; the feathers, except the two middle ones, are on the inner web dark grey, crossed above the white end by a blackish cross band; the white end is margined narrowly with pale yellow; tail beneath dark grey, at the end broadly white. Bill plumbeous, tipped with pale horn-colour ; feet reddish brown ; nails dark. "Irides yellow; bill brownish yellow; legs purple red." (Garrett.) In the young bird the vertex and hind neck are green, like the back; front and forehead covered with a pale violet-purple patch ; sides of head and neck grey washed with green, the crop and upper portion of breast with greenish yellow ; the underparts are of a less brilliant yellow; the sides darker greyish-green; the red pectoral patch is indicated only by some dirty purplish feathers; the pale |