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Show 1871.] ON BIRDS FROM THE PACIFIC ISLANDS. 25 " Bill black ; iris black ; feet red. Native name, Fiaui, or commonly Lube." (Kubary.) Some interesting notes on the habits of the Lube in Tongatabu have been published by Dr. Graffe (Journ. f. Orn. 1870, p. 408). 10. RALLUS PECTORALIS, Less.; Finsch et Hartl. I. c. p. 156. Four specimens, perfectly identical with others from Upolu, the Vitis, Tongatabu, and Australia. In two specimens no sign of the cinnamomeous pectoral band is visible; two specimens show this band strongly indicated, although not yet fully developed. The small white spots on the feathers of the upper parts in three specimens form on the basal portion of the hind neck regular narrow cross lines, which in one specimen are still visible on the upper portion of the mantle. Long. al. caud. culm. tars. dig. med. 5"-5"5'" l"ll'"-2"5'" 12-16'" 18-20'" 16-19'" " Bill reddish grey ; iris red. Native name Vea." (Kubary.) That Rallus forsteri, Hartl., is identical with R. pectoralis we have proved already (P. Z. S. 1869, p. 548, and Journ. f. Orn. 1870, p. 136). W e must also express our doubts concerning Rallus hypoleucus, nob. (I. c. p. 163), based upon the "Philippine Rail, var. B," Latham, which seems to be nothing more than an albinism of R. pectoralis, as suspected by Mr. G. R. Gray. PAREUDIASTES*, gen. nov. Char. gen.-Rostrum ut in genere Gallinula, sed ptilosi ab oculis fere ad nares usque producta: scutello frontali parvo, postice rotundato. Alee brevissimce, obtusce, truncatee, remigibus 3-6 cequali longitudine. Cauda brevissima, lacera, decomposita. Pedes minor es quam in Gallinulis ; digitus medius tarso brevior, externus interno paullo longior; unguibus multo magis curvatis quam in genere Gallinula. 11. PAREUDIASTES PACIFICUS, sp. nov. (Plate II.) Obscure plumbeo-ardesiaca ; margine frontali et regione perioph-thalmica holosericeo-nigris, loris plumulis nigris rarius obsitis; occipite et dorso fusco-olivascente lavatis; glabella dilute flava; rostro dilute rub ent e; pedibus pallide rubris ; alis valde truncato-abbreviatis; cauda vix conspicua. Long, circa 10", rost. a fr. 13'", al. 4" 2'", tars. 16'", dig. med. c. ung. 1 o . Head, neck, and under surface dark slate-colour, on the flanks and anal regions changing into olivaceous black ; under tail-coverts pure black; margin of the frontal shield, lores, and space round the eyes covered with short velvet-like feathers of a pure black ; sides of head, chin, and upper portion of throat also black; occiput, hind neck,' and mantle dark olive-brown ; rump, upper tail-coverts, and the * "Pareudiastes" (antiquorum) is a water-bird, which comes only in fine weather to land. |