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Show 1871.] DR. J. C. COX ON AUSTRALIAN SHELLS. 323 7. Descriptions of new Species of Land and Marine Shells from Australia and the South-Western Pacific. By JAMES C. COX, M.D., C.M.Z.S. [Received March 22, 1871.] (Plate XXXIV.) HELIX ALFREDI, sp. nov. (Plate XXXIV. figs. 1, la.) H. testa imperforata, depresso-globosa, glabra, nitida, polita, nigro-hrunnea, duabus fasciis opaco-albis ornata, una ad peripheriam, altera infra suturam ; spira late conica; anfractibus quinque, lente accrescentibus, planiusculis, ultimo antice deflexo; apertura semiovali; peristomate albo, simplici, breviter reflexo; columella dilatata, oppress a. Diam. maj. 0*93, min. 0*82, alt. 0*85 une. Hab. Solomon Islands (Coll. Hargraves). This will add another to the large number of beautiful species which have recently been obtained from this group of Islands. It is unlike any other species which I have seen; easily recognized by its black-brown polished appearance, banded by two strongly contrasting broad white opaque bands. I have named this species in honour of Capt. H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh, from whom I received during his late visit to this colony some valuable species of shells from his private collection. HELIX MILLICENT-E, sp. nov. (Plate XXXIV. figs. 2, 2 a.) H. testa imperforata, depresso-globosa, tenui, nitida, obsolete carinata, undique rugoso-granulata; spira elevata, pallide castanea, fascia alba ad peripheriam etflammulis opaco-albis undique ornata; anfractibus quinque, parum convexis, ultimo antice deflexo ,- apertura subangulata, lunato-circulari; peristomate expanso, albo, breviter reflexo, marginibus conniventibus ; columella dilatata. Diam. maj. 0*98, min. 0*80, alt. 0*75 une. Hab. Louisiade Islands (Coll. Cox). A rather thin, delicate, handsome species, having the general form of H. fringilla, but being at once distinguished from it by its coarse wrinkled granular surface and by the absence of the tooth-like projection of the peristome near the columella. BULIMUS HARGRAVESI, sp. nov. (Plate XXXIV. fig. 3.) B. testa perforata, fusiformi-oblonga, tenuicula, Icevi, longitudinaliter subtiliter striata, transversim striis rugato-crassis, obtectis, sub epidermide lutescente alba, maculis triangularibus olivaceo-fuscis generaliter picta; spira oblongato-conica, nuda, apice acutiuscula, rosea, granulata; anfractibus 6, convexis, ultimo -| longitudinis cequante; apertura verticali, elongato-auriformi, intus albida, nitida, marginibus crassatis, reflexis, albidis, callo junctis; margine collumellari dilatato, superne callo aclpresso, |