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Show 1871.] MR. E. A. SMITH ON WEST-AFRICAN SHELLS. 729 Var. Omnino rufo-fusca. Hab. Whydah. 19. CORBULA LIRATA, sp. nov. (Plate LXXV. fig. 2.) Testa pyriformis, modice rostrata, sordido-alba, transversim costee versus marginem ventralem crassiores; carina obliqua utraque valva ab umbone ad rostri apicem decurrens ; de umbonibus costulce filiformes paululum remotee ad basim radiantes; valva dextra minor quam sinistra. Diam. transversa 8 mill., diam. longit. 5. Hab. Whydah. The thread-like costulae (about 24 in number) which radiate from the umbones are very remarkable. 20. CRASSATELLA, sp. jun. Hab. Whydah. 21. ACTINOBOLUS AJAR, Brug. Enc. Meth. Vers, vol. i. part 2, p. 406. Hab. Whydah. 22. CRENELLA (MODIOLARIA) MULTISTRIATA, sp. nov. (Plate LXXV. fig. 4.) Testa eequivalvis, ineequilateralis, flavo-castanea, transversim antice et postice striis crebris decussata ; striee posteriores dimidium occupantes ; interstitium non decussatum, parvum. Diam. transversa 15 mill., diam. longit. 7. Hab. Whydah. One specimen is imbedded in a nidus (formed of pieces of shells, pebbles, &c.) within the valve of a Pecten. 23. ANOMALOCARDIA STRIATA, Reeve, Conch. Icon. ii. sp. 121. Hab. Whydah. " !" (Reeve). 24. ANOMALOCARDIA, sp. Hab. Whydah. There are twelve equal-sized specimens of this species; but the small dimensions (5 mill, lata, 3 alt.) and general appearance of young examples make me hesitate in describing them. They are oblong, rhomboidal, with the surface very finely decussated. 25. SCAPHARCA PERTUSA?, Reeve, Conch. Icon. ii. sp. 28. Hab. Whydah. 26. AXINEA SPADICEA, Reeve, Conch. Icon. i. sp. 47. Hab. Whydah. The locality for this species was hitherto unrecorded. 27. NUCULA CRASSICOSTATA, sp. nov. (Plate LXXV. fig. 5.) Testa parva, transversa, oblique subovalis; albida, versus |